YFG Podcast Interview Form
Just a couple of questions that will help with the podcast, ensure accuracy and make things run smoothly! Thank you for your interest in being on the podcast :)

- Savannah
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Name  and phonetic pronunciation. (ex. Savannah / suh-van-uh) *
Email *
Phone number *
Time slot(s) that work best for you. *Note: these time slots are first come first serve, which is why I recommend choosing two. Lastly, due to higher demand than expected, please try to allow 1.5-2 weeks in advance for your interview.
Why do you want to be on the podcast and what can you contribute to listeners? *
Give me two controversial topics that you would be interested in discussing
If on the podcast, is there a title that you would like me to introduce you by? *
Where can people best find + connect with you? (please include social media usernames if you mention social media as an option) *
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