LGCC Monthly Lunch Helper Email List
Dear brothers and sisters, 

Thank God for giving us the opportunity to restart the church-wide lunch ministry. 
Due to limited co-workers, we need your help to complete our monthly lunch service, including setting up tables and chairs, to serving meals during the event, and finally, cleaning up afterward. 

We plan to start setting up tables and chairs around 11:30am, and the lunch service will begin promptly at 12:30pm.

If you are willing to volunteer, please fill out the form below to join the email list. We will send you an email before each month’s lunch service date to remind you which Sunday the lunch will take place. Please be sure to verify your availability and preferred task(s) when the reminders are sent.

Your support would be a blessing to us! May God bless everyone! 🙏

If you have any questions, please contact the LGCC Office: office@lordsgrace.org  
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Email *
First & Last Name *
Please select the tasks you are willing to help with during prep and set up
Please select the tasks you are willing to help with during food service
Please select the tasks you are willing to help with during clean up
Any other help or suggestions are welcome.
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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