Welcome Survey
Fill this form as best you can. All the answers are required, so just choose the best answer that applies to you.
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E-Mail-Adresse *
Welcome to Photography 1!
Your legal name *
Today's Date *
The name you actually go by
Your preferred pronoun(s) *
Your grade level *
The class period you have photo 1 *
Your most checked email address *
Your parents' most checked email address: *
Your parents' phone numbers: *
How much experience do you have using a digital camera? (*Not a phone*) *
How much experience do you have using a 35mm FILM camera? *
Have you ever worked in a dark room to develop your own photos? *
What is your level of Photoshop experience *
Why did you sign up for Photography 1? *
What do you enjoy taking pictures of usually? *
Are you interested in Photo Club? *
What interests or hobbies are you into? *
How do you learn best? *
What are you looking forward to in this class? *
What worries do you have about this class, if any? *
Anything else you would like me to know about you that will help me as your teacher? *
Now, let's have some fun!
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