IdolFest Interest Form
Wasabi Anime started as an anime club in 2001 and is now the premier production group for designing and operating anime and Asian pop culture-related programming at pop culture conventions around the world. In 2025, we're working to coordinate and showcase Japanese Idol-style Performers and Groups at many of these conventions. If you're interested in being considered, please fill out this form and let us know what city (or cities) you want to participate in.

Space is limited per event, so not every applicant can be approved. However, we will do our best to showcase as many performers as possible.

Being a part of the IdolFest is free and normally includes a complimentary pass (or passes) to the convention at which it is taking place. Each IdolFest typically involves the following obligations:
1. Sound check.
2. Performance.
3. Meet & Greet.

Please note that we are usually looking for approximately a between an eight (8) and ten (10) minute set per performer. Depending on venue restrictions, you may be able to sell merchandise during your Meet & Greet. This is determined on an event to event basis.

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What city are you or your group based out of? *
Please respond City, State/Province. Examples: Orlando, FL or Calgary, AB
What event(s) are you interested in performing at? *
You can choose more than one. However, you are responsible for transportation and lodging at any event as this is not provided by the convention.
Name of Performer or Group *
If you are a performer, what is your stage name or what is the name of your group?
Performer or Group Bio *
We need a short bio about you (if you're a solo performer) or your group. Three to four sentences maximum. This will potentially be used for stage introductions and marketing purposes.
Total Number of Performers? *
We understand that not performers may be performing, however we need a general idea of your group size.
Please check all that apply. *
Link to You/Your Group's Logo *
We need your logo. It should be a JPG file measuring 1920x1080 to be shown on the projector screen during your performance.
Link to a photo of You/Your Group. *
We need a photo of you/your group (JPG file) measuring 800x800. This may be used on the convention website, so make sure it looks good!
Are you (or any of your performers) under the age of eighteen? *
Link to You/Your Group's Website *
This can be an official website, a Linktree (or similar service), or the primary social media link you use to promote your group.
Link to A Video Demo or Previous Performance *
This can be a direct link to a video file, a Google Drive share, a Dropbox link, a YouTube video, etc. If IdolFest is planned debut performance, we will need a recorded practice video to review.
Primary Contact Name *
Primary Contact Email Address *
Primary Contact Phone Number *
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