Marketers Cruise Choice of Gift Form 
We serve 4 - 8 figure business owners looking to make IMPACT and INCOME from the stage - their own highly profitable and transformative events and other's stages, summits, podcasts and guest speaking opportunities.  To that end we know that we offer many things that could be of value to you, RIGHT NOW, and right where you are at in your business.   Use this form to let us know how we can best serve you and gift you!  Because some of these gifts are limited by time or quantity, please choose your top 3 and we are excited to serve you best! 
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Cell Number *
Company Name *
1st Choice of Gifts *
2nd Choice of Gifts  *
3rd Choice of Gifts 
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How can we play together and serve?  Check all that apply 
Please share about yourself and how we can best serve you or your community, play and pay together, or a challenge you are having with speaking or events 
Anything not covered above you'd like to share?  Would love to carry on the conversation past the Marketers Cruise! 
Would you like to be added to our weekly newsletter and hear about upcoming events, speaking opportunties, Speakers Need to Speak, Encore Elite Events and ICONMAKER?  
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A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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