Point of View Practice 1
Read the short passage.  Choose if the passage was written in first person or third person narration.
Name *
1) Melissa looked across the room.  Janiya was turning in her homework.  Melissa had forgotten her homework at home.  Now she would have to do it all over again.  Just then the phone rang.  It was the office calling.  Melissa's mom had dropped off Melissa's homework in the office. *
20 puntos
2) James raised his hand.  He was already done with the test.  I was only on number five.  I read over the question again.  I still could not figure out the right answer.   I really wish I had studied for the test last night.     *
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3) Manuel and Meagan ran as fast as they could along the track.  Manuel had been bragging for days that he was the fastest but Meagan was ready to prove him wrong.  As they came around the last corner Meagan gave a extra push on energy and sprung into first place.   *
20 puntos
4) I felt sick.  I put my head down on my desk but I did not raise my hand.  I did NOT want to go home!  Today was the day of the class party.  The table in the classroom was filled with candy, cookies and cupcakes.  There was no way I was going to miss this. *
20 puntos
5) Yesterday my best friend invited me over to her house after school.  I ran home and asked my mom if I could go.  My mom said no.  She said that I had to finish my homework and we needed to go shopping.  She said that I could go on Friday.  I can't wait because I am going to have so much fun. *
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