Take two minutes and imagine what your life could look like. What can you see from your window? What’s on the news? What does a normal day look like? What do you eat? Where do you live? How do people interact?
After two minutes of visualization, answer the following questions:
Foresight for Intergenerational Decision-Making is an initiative of the Big Brainstorm, run by the Unlock the Future coalition which is convened by the UN Foundation. The Big Brainstorm brings together young changemakers from around the world to explore, prototype, and launch initiatives to tackle some of humanity’s greatest challenges. In 2023, more than 2,000 young people have signed up for the Big Brainstorm, with almost half of those young people proposing initiatives to accelerate action towards the SDGs. Twenty of those initiatives were selected, among which this one, as part of the Future Generations Action Group.