CATCH Parents Connect Registration Form
Parents Connect groups are for parents with children who are struggling with mental health issues. We gather in groups to share our struggles as parents and find community and new approaches to parenting during a time that can feel isolating and scary. If you are ready to join this non-judgmental and kind community,  complete the form below.

By signing up, you agree: "I understand that the group will be led by a caring CATCH volunteer and not by a clinical professional. I acknowledge that any advice or information shared with me is based on personal experience and is the recommendation of a fellow parent and does not constitute medical advice."
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Last Name *
First Name *
Preferred email address *
Phone number *
Age of your child who is struggling with their mental health. *
Age of other children in your house. 
What town do you live in? *
Name of the school the child you're seeking support for attends. *
Please select the group you'd like to participate in: *
If the times above do not work for you, please indicate the days and times that you are available as we are trying our best to accommodate the schedules of as many people as possible.
How did you hear about Parents Connect? *
I understand that the group will be led by a caring CATCH volunteer and not by a clinical professional. I acknowledge that any advice or information shared with me is based on personal experience and is the recommendation of a fellow parent and does not constitute medical advice. *
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