514F21-Colleague Quiz
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Who might you see doing this? *
1 point
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Cameron Gonzales *
Which activities does Cameron enjoy.  Check all that apply
1 point
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Ceramics, Sculpting, Painting *
Who would you go to to commission a sculpture, painting or pottery?
1 point
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Who was born here?   *
1 point
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Dusan Kyselak *
Which flag is representative of the country Dusan  is from?
1 point
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Mani Sani *
What subjects is Mani interested in teaching?
1 point
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Match the following *
6 points
ice hockey fan
works at dog bakery
BA in Journalism
undergraduate loves to read
undergraduate wants to teach English
Kiara Lizama-Flores
Nicholas Gardener
Amir Mir
Jacqueline Franco
Evelyn Hernandez
Denise Gamboa
Joey *
Which of the following is NOT an expressed interest of Joey Arnold?
1 point
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Rafting *
Which of the following students would most likely be seen in this photo
1 point
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Mathematics teacher *
What is the name of this aspiring mathematics teacher?
1 point
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Nanotechnology *
Who is the resident expert in nanotechnology?
1 point
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Kevin Weaver *
Which of the following does not fit Kevin's self-description?
1 point
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What is the first name of this student *
1 point
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What is the first name of this student? *
1 point
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Mikayla Davis *
What subject does Mikayla want to teach?
1 point
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Mario Landeros *
Which of the following sites is it most likely that Mario would have seen while earning his bachelor's or master's degrees?
1 point
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Which of the following did Vanessa Climb *
1 point
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Who is this? *
1 point
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Benjamin Frochtsweig *
Which of the following would Benjamin be least likely to understand?
1 point
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Brianne Rogers *
Which of the following is NOT an interest that Brianne mentioned?
1 point
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