SHA Writing Groups
Writing groups can be invaluable for providing accountability and helping group members make progress on their writing projects. Writing groups can take a variety of forms, but no matter what the format is, participating in a writing group requires work and commitment to reap the benefits of these connections. Writing groups function best when the expectations of the group's members are clear and when group members are committed to its success.

This program is designed to help SHA members connect with other scholars to form writing groups that the group members will then run for as long as they would like. Some groups may run for a single summer or semester; other groups may fizzle or fail to get going; and some groups may become long-lasting connections that continue indefinitely. It is up to the individual members of each writing group to plan the group's specific purpose, set clear expectations, and follow through on what the group decides. The SHA is here to support and encourage all of the various formats that writing groups can take but will not be running the individual groups. 

The SHA Professional Development Committee will do its best to match people based on their answers to the questions below, so please answer them carefully and completely. We will announce and launch this program three times a year, roughly around the start of spring, summer, and fall semesters. Groups will be limited to 3-5 participants to best facilitate the group's success.

The deadline for the current launch has been extended to December 15, 2024. Applications received by this date will be matched in late December for groups that will launch in the new year.

Email *
Name *
Professional Affiliation (if any)
Which type(s) of writing group are you most interested in joining? Please select the choice(s) that best fit your desired group type. Once formed, some groups may decide to fill more than one of these roles, but that will be up to the individual group members.
What is your current career stage (i.e. grad student, mid-career, senior scholar, etc.)?
What are your primary fields/areas of research?
How often would you like to meet with your group?
Are you willing to help with the organizing of the group (sending emails, setting up a zoom, etc.)?
What are you looking for in a writing group? What are you most interested in gaining from your participation in a writing group?
Are there any other comments you would like us to consider when placing you in a group?
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