TWHS Rental Inquiry
BEFORE SUBMITTING THIS FORM:  Please check to see what's already booked and to review our 'Ongoing Unavailable Rental Times'.  We do our very best to keep this up to date but will sometimes have pending events that may not be reflected on the public calendar.

This form is intended to gather information about who you are, what you're wanting to host at The Way Home Studio, and if we have the availability.  

Once submitted, you'll receive a response from our team via email within 7 days as to whether or not your event is accepted and if you'd like to proceed with a rental agreement.  Please note that we'll do our best to accommodate your requested time/day but we have to consider what's already on the calendar and the spacing between events. 

(Type N/A for required fields that do not apply to the nature of your event)
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Email *
First & Last Name: *
Phone number: *
Mailing Address:

(used for future rental agreements will not be shared or solicited)
What's the name of the event you'd like to host?  If applicable.

Please provide a brief description of your event? *
Select which best describes your event. *
Select which best describes your event. *
If booking a recurring event, how far out on the calendar would you like to book?   *
If hosting a public event, please tell us about who you are and your experience hosting events, teaching, and/or holding space for others.   *
What date/dates are you wanting to hold your event?
For Public Events: What's your event's ideal start and end time?  

(We only allow public events to start on the hour and half hour marks. This start & end time will be what's reflected on our Community Calendar for potential attendees to see.)
For ALL Events: What's the ENTIRE rental window you'd  like to reserve, including adequate set up and cleanup time?

(We recommend at least 15 minutes before and after your guests arrive but the time needed is at your own discretion)
What's the expected size of your event? *
If offering a public event, are you willing to charge your attendees a sliding fee to make your event more accessible to the community?

(This isn't a requirement, merely a suggestion.)
We offer an optional 10% discount to renters that identify or fall under the category of Community Elder (age 65+), Veteran, Public Service/First Responder, BIPOC, and/or Non-profit Organization.  Would you like to take advantage of this discount? *
How did you hear about us?
Is there any other information you'd like to share or questions you'd like to ask?
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