Specialty Routine Application & Contract 2024-25
Solos, duos, and trios are a great experience for many dancers and a big additional commitment. Specialty routines are a wonderful opportunity to improve your talent and develop self-esteem.

To be eligible to apply, dancers must have demonstrated a commitment to dance, fulfilled their obligations as a dedicated teammate for a minimum of one year, and meet the skills requirements for their age (listed below).

We'll notify applicants whether or not they are approved by the end of July. If you are approved, we will make arrangements for you to get started between July-November.

Most rehearsal time for solos, duos, and trios will be on the weekends. 

Not all applicants will be chosen for a solo/duo/trio routine every year. There are many factors that go into the decisions for approving solos, duos, and trios. If we feel you could benefit by supplementing your training this year with a solo, duo, or trio, you'll be approved. If we feel there are other avenues best suited for your growth and progress as a dancer this year, we'll help you know what those are so you can continue on the best path for your dance journey!
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