Actions Reporting
Please complete this form to report any actions for restoration work within the Hibiscus & Bays Local Board area. Ideally report actions within a calendar month. You will need to submit a new report for each action type. Just click on the 'Submit another action' link after submitting this one. 
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Email *
What is the name of the individual completing this report? *
What is the group name? *
Other - please specify group name.
What is the start date for this activity? *
What is the end date for this activity? *
Please select if this project is part of one of the following catchment-scale stream projects. See map for help. *
Enter the location where the actions took place? e.g. reserve name, neighbourhood area, property address *
What type of land did the activity take place on? Tick as many as apply. *
Was a health and safety briefing given before the activity took place? *
Were there any health and safety incidents? e.g. broken arm. If "yes" please ensure H&S incident form submitted to RHB. *
What type of action are you reporting? *
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This form was created inside of Restore Hibiscus & Bays. Report Abuse