River Network 2024 Evaluation Form
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About the Event
Thank you for attending and actively participating in River Network's event. We have a few questions about your experience and the usefulness of what you learned. We truly appreciate your input and use it to improve future events.
What session did you recently attend (the one you are evaluating here)?
How much has your knowledge increased as a result of this session? *

How well-equipped do you feel in applying the information presented to your own work?

Do you feel more connected to colleagues and resources as a result of this session? *
How was the level of information presented? *
Do you know where to go for more information about this topic as a result of this session? *
Have you attended a River Network event in the past?
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Do you have suggestions to help speakers improve their delivery or content, or other suggestions to improve future sessions?
What type of session did you attend? *
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This form was created inside of River Network.