Skiing/Snowboarding Sign Up @ Sasquatch Mountain March 6-8, 2020
(Please complete the form below if you are interested in attending the upcoming Skiing/Snowboarding trip on March 6-8)
All students must meet at Mouat on Friday March 6 for a 7:00AM departure, and must be picked up at Mouat Sunday March 8 at 12:30PM. This trip is open to Mouat students and International students.

Signing up on the google form expresses interest in the trip. Failure to contact Mr. Rahe via email prior to February 28 commits you to the trip, and results in payment for the trip being billed whether you attend or not.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Student First Name? *
Student Last Name? *
Student Grade? *
School that student attends? *
Student Gender? *
Student Email? *
Are you planning on skiing or snowboarding? *
What is your ability level? *
Do you need to rent equipment? *
How old are you? *
How tall are you? (Answer in feet and inches) *
How much do you weigh? (Answer using pounds) *
***Snowboard Only*** Do you ride regular or goofy? *
What is your shoe size? (Note n's or women's sizes please) *
Do you have any medical concerns that I need to be aware of? (Please explain) *
Student International Assistant Name? (For international students only. If not international answer none) *
DAY #1 Please choose one option from the following list for Friday March 6. (***Note*** Those with less than five days of experience skiing/snowboarding are required to take a lesson) *
DAY #2 Please choose one option from the following list for Saturday March 7. (***Note*** Those with less than five days of experience skiing/snowboarding are required to take a lesson) *
Student's Parent/Guardian/Homestay Emergency Contact Name? *
Student's Parent/Guardian/Homestay Emergency Contact Phone Number? *
Student's Parent/Guardian/Homestay Emergency Contact Email? *
Trip supervisors are needed to make this trip a success. Would someone in your family (19 years or older) be willing to join the trip as a supervisor? Costs will be subsidized. *
If yes, what is the name and email of the person interested in supervising?
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