Jean Parker School Spirit Items Order Form珍柏嘉小學(學校士氣)單品訂購表格
Please complete this form and we will get your order ready for you!  |  請選購和填妥以下的表格, 我們會儘快處理您的訂單。
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Your Name  |  您的姓名
Child's Name  |  孩子的姓名
List only one if you have more than one.  |  只須填寫一名就讀此校的孩子姓名就足夠了。
Child's Grade  |  班級
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Long Sleeve Navy Tee-  Adult $15   Kids $10  |  深藍色長袖圓領襯衣 / 成年人$15一件 / 兒童$10一件
How many ADULT long sleeved tees would you like?  |  您要訂購多少件成年人尺碼的長袖深藍色圓領襯衣?
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How many KIDS long sleeved tees would you like?  |  您要訂購多少件兒童尺碼的長袖深藍色圓領襯衣?
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What ADULT size(s) would you like? (S, M, L, XL)  |  請寫出您所訂購成年人尺碼的襯衣。(小,中,大,加大碼)
Please indicate how many of each size if ordering more than one.  |  如果您訂購多過一件襯衣請註明各尺碼的數量。
What KIDS size(s) would you like? (S, M, L, XL)  |  請寫出您所訂購兒童尺碼的襯衣。(小,中,大,加大碼)
Please indicate how many of each size if ordering more than one.  |  如果您訂購多過一件襯衣請註明各尺碼的數量。
Car Magnet-$2  |  汽車磁貼片$2
How many car magnets would you like?  |  您要訂購多少長磁貼片?
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