Bindlestiff Follies Performer Submission Form
Performances take place outside. Flatbed Follies performances take place on flatbeds, so the stage is 8' deep (no back wall) x 15' to 20' wide; Sidewalk Follies take place on the street and sidewalk. Current dates are in New York City and the Hudson Valley. We are looking for circus and variety artists, primarily New York based. You will not have to be available for every date.
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Email *
Performer Name: *
Phone number: *
Are you located in New York State? *
Are you located in New York City? *
If you live in NYC, what borough do you live in? *
Please provide a description of your act: *
Please provide links to images of your act: *
Please provide a link to a video of your act: *
Optional - please include links to your website and/or social media:
Do you carry a personal general liability policy for performance? *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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