Seattle Film Critics Society - 2019 Membership Application
Hello and thank you for your interest in joining the Seattle Film Critics Society!
Please fill out this application to the best of your ability, so that our membership committee has all of the information they need.
Application period will be open from April - June 2019
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name: *
Outlet: *
Website: *
Current press accreditation(s) (Example: Allied Global Marketing): *
Number of full-length written reviews in 2018 * : *
For Broadcast (including Podcasts) - Number of Appearances or Episodes in 2018 * : *
Email Address: *
Phone Number: *
Mailing address ** : *
Please post links to any/ all social media handles for your outlet:
Other social media locations (YouTube, Medium, etc.)
Please provide links of your work:
Sample #1 *
Sample #2 *
Sample #3 *
Please refer to SFCS By-Laws (available at for detailed definition of applicable reviews. Be aware, the burden of proof is on the applicant to show that they reach the mandatory review limit. Listing the direct link to your individual review archive section is the best way to do so.
Address strictly to be used for distribution of press-related materials.
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