GPS Application Form - OLD
Thank you for your interest in GPS!

Please complete the form below to apply. Once you submit this form, we will review your application to determine your suitability for the program. We may contact you for additional information before making a final decision.  
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San Diego Learning & Fun!
What is your name? *
What is your mailing address? *
What is your email address? *
What is the best phone number to reach you? *
What is your website URL? *
How did you hear about GPS? *
Tell us about your practice. How would you describe it if we met in a social setting, including types of therapy offered? *
How long have you owned your practice? *
How many locations does your practice have? What cities are they in? *
Are there any specific challenges based on the location of your practice? *
How many associates do you have working for you? *
How many new Intakes (that actually show up for the first appointment) is your entire practice averaging per month this year? *
What was your gross revenue in each of the past three years? *
What are the greatest challenges you currently face in your practice? *
How difficult has it been for you to get solutions to these challenges? *
What would be the consequences in your life if you don't overcome these challenges? *
Do you have obstacles in your personal life that may be be affecting your growth? *
How would you rate your level of ambition as a business owner? *
Highly driven to succeed
Do you have any weaknesses as business owner? *
What are your most significant self-limiting beliefs? *
What excites you the most about participating the GPS program? *
What are the most significant ways you would contribute to other members of the GPS program? *
Anything else you'd like to add that would help us understand you or your practice even better?
Thank you for applying to to this program! Now just click on the blue SUBMIT button below to send us your application. We will let you know if you have been accepted into the program as soon as possible, within 5-10 days.
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