Virtual Foster Sign Up
LA Animal Services would love to have your school, office, company, or business become a virtual foster of one of our animals! Your first step is to go to and choose up to three pets to virtually foster. You'll need their "A" numbers. Then, return here to complete the form.

You'll place these pets in your marketing materials and on your social media platforms. They can become team mascots, office dogs or cats, or become an organizational goal to get the fostered pet adopted. We'll share your information in the pet's profile, on our social media platforms and our website. 

Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Email *
What is your business or organization name? *
What is your name and title? *
Best phone number to reach you at? *
Please choose up to 3 animals to virtually foster from Please enter their A#s here. We reach out and coordinate the experience with you.  *
Please list your social media accounts you will be using to promote your virtual foster pet *
Does your organization have a newsletter, or printed materials that could promote your foster pet? *
LA Animal Services offers short term fostering for dogs and cats, which can be a few hours to a few days. Does your organization have any events coming up in the next few months that the foster pet can attend? (You will be required to transport the pet to and from the shelter) *
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