Youth Council Sign Up Form
Thank you for your interest in joining our youth council!

If you’re a young person curious about making your community a safer place come on out to our Youth Advisory Council! We meet every week on Tuesday from 5:00pm to 6:30pm in Seeley Hall at Woodfords Congregational Church. You’ll be welcome to free pizza, games, and to share your take on creating safer spaces in the world. We hope to see you there!! 🚀🍕

For more information on the council, please visit:
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
Name *
School grade
Contact Information:
Phone number
Would you like to be added to our Youth Council group chat?
In this group chat we share information about youth council meetings, community events, and relevant news.
Join the Youth Council Group Chat:
Parent/Guardian 1 name *
Parent/Guardian 1 email *
Parent/Guardian 2 name
Parent/Guardian 2 email
Emergency Contact - Please include a name and phone number (can be a parent/guardian listed above) *
Do you have any accessibility requirements or other needs you would like us to be aware of?
What are your favorite pizza toppings? 🤩🍕
What are your least favorite pizza toppings? 🤢 🍕
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