D7YC Council Member Application 2022-2023
The District 7 Youth Council (D7YC) is made up of students of San Francisco’s District 7. The members discuss issues affecting residents of District 7 and communicate directly with the Youth Commissioner of District 7. They propose projects to address issues in the district, draft proposed legislation, and review legislation proposed by the Supervisor that affects youth concerns.

Participating on the Youth Council trains participants in leadership, facilitation, policy research, event planning, and community organizing. Youth Council members gain a better understanding of how city government and the Board of Supervisors operate and become more conversant with neighborhood issues affecting District 7. The D7YC also provides special opportunities to meet with City Department staff and community stakeholders to learn more about current issues and proposals in our City.

🙇 Eligibility
- Currently enrolled in high school
- Currently live or attend school in San Francisco's District 7

* Please note that district boundaries recently changed - please look up your address here to see if you qualify!

🗓 Program Schedule
September 2022 - May 2023
Tuesdays 5pm - 7pm
Some additional events, TBA

📍 Program Location (Fall Semester)
Lick Wilmerding High School
755 Ocean Ave
San Francisco, CA 94112

* Spring semester location TBD

💸 Pay
This is a paid program via stipend. Participants are paid $300 for full participation.

Application Deadline
TBD! If you're still able to fill out this form, we're still accepting applications! Please apply ASAP to secure your spot.

➡️ Application Process
1. Once you submit your application, the D7YC staff will review your application and contact you for an interview.
2. You will be notified shortly for an interview.
3. You must be available for an interview and orientation to be considered for the program.
4. Generic interview questions will be given ahead of time (not all), come prepared to have a conversation about your answers

For any questions, please contact Jules Litauer Chan at julesl@cycsf.org or (415) 610-5673
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