Algebra I Boot Camp (grade 9)
Get ready for high school math! This boot camp is offered to prepare incoming freshmen with the tools they need to succeed in a college-preparatory math course. The program is designed to reinforce basic mathematical skills, while focusing on algebraic topics including: order of operations, manipulating fractions, factoring algebraic expressions, solving and simplifying one-variable linear equations, simplifying expressions with exponents and radicals, graphing, and solving word problems. This boot camp will provide math and problem-solving skill development for every type of learner and is strongly recommended for all incoming freshmen, regardless of next year’s math placement.
Two sessions of this one-week boot camp will be offered.
Session 1 - 8/8-8/12, 9:00-11:00
Session 2 - 8/15-8/19, 9:00-11:00
Cost: $350