Fatima Food Fest 2019 | Cook's Registration
Date & Time: Saturday 2nd November, 2019 at 6:30pm
Address: Fatima College, Mucurapo Road, St James
Contact: Akil Myers at (868) 322 1092 or FOBA at (868) 628-4735
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Email *
Fatima Food Fest- Flavours of the Americas
Your Name *
Phone Number *
Prepare a unique dish from North, Central or South America! Select your dish's country of origin. *
What is the name of your dish? You can be creative! *
Which type of meat are you serving? *
If other, please specify.
How will you be serving your dish? *
What is your tee-shirt size? *
I understand that my dish must serve 60 portions and I must be set up by 6:45pm. *
A copy of your responses will be emailed to the address you provided.
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