Counseling Electronic Consent
During school closures, counseling services will be offered in a limited, virtual format.  Students and parents need to understand the limitations of privacy in virtual counseling.

Privacy:  Every effort will be made to maintain the privacy of the group and/or individuals. Expectations for participation and behavior will be shared regarding confidentiality of the students' interactions. However, for counseling groups, the school counselor cannot guarantee all members will abide by the rules of the group. Any member who violates the group rules will be removed. Further, the confidentiality of your child will be maintained in accordance with privacy limits with the exception of:
If there is clear evidence or probability that your child is physically harming himself/herself.
If there is clear evidence or probability that your child is physically harming another person.
Or if there is reasonable evidence to suspect abuse to a minor, or an adult in a vulnerable state.

What is said in a counseling session stays in the session.
Students should clarify comments of the school counselor or group participants to prevent misunderstandings, realizing body language and verbal cues may be easily misinterpreted on-line.
No screen shots or recording of counseling sessions.
Headphones need to be worn to assure privacy and confidentiality of others if you're part of a counseling group.
Students participating should find an area where others in the home are not able to walk by and view who is on the screen.
Be respectful of other students by using kind words if you're part of a counseling group.

Parents and guardians may share questions or concerns by contacting the counselor providing the service.
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I am interested in my child participating in virtual small group or individual counseling, *
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