Application of membership CASE Association
Application of membership for years of operation 2024-2025.
Start Date: 2024-07-01
End Date: 2025-09-31

This information is stored to:
    - Ensure you are a member of Chalmers
    - Contact you about changes and activities in the association
    - Give you access to the association assets, e.g documents.
    - Update the membership register at Unga Forskare.

The information is stored as long as you are a member of the association and no law requires it.

To remove your information: contact the CASE board at

All answers should be in English.
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Firstname *
Surname *
Gender *
What type of member are you?  *
If you are a PhD student select "employee"
If you don't have a CID, write "NO CID"
Email *
Chalmers-email (
Phone *
Social security number *
Street adress *
Postal number *
Example: 41258
City *
Eg. Gothenburg
What program are/were you studying *
What year were you admitted or employeed to Chalmers? *
Format: YYYY
Do you agree to the terms and conditions for being a member: *
Have you created an account on *
In order to gain access to the lab, our booking system and complete courses for the machines you need an account on If you don't already have an account you can sign up here: 
Is there anything in particular you wish to do or learn about through CASE?
Preferred language
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Do you give permission for CASE to store your given personal information? *
We will store your information as long as you are a member and as long as the appropriate authority require. The information will be used to give you access to the lab, keep you updated via emails and make sure you meet the requirements for joining the association. This also means you will be added to our mailing list. If you want your data to be removed you can send an email to
Do you give permission for Unga Forskare to store your given personal information for three years? *
CASE is a part of Unga Forskare which is an organisation for associations and offers different benefits. Information about our members are shared according to their policy ( and is for example necessary for applications for financial support.
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