2023 Harvard Interfaith Meal-Packaging Service Project

Whether you were in person or from afar, your energy created a butterfly effect in supporting the 2023 Harvard Interfaith Meal-Packaging Service Project, a collaboration between the Harvard Chaplains (https://chaplains.harvard.edu/) and The Outreach Program (http://outreachprogram.org/). You went above and beyond to fund and pack a record 57,000 meals ($20,000 donated) in our effort to end hunger!

Over 230 volunteers came to set up, scoop, weigh, seal, pack, tape, box, wheel, lift, high-five, clean up, and more, for which we are so grateful. Meals packed included rice and beans, pasta with tomato basil sauce, macaroni and cheese, and apple cinnamon oatmeal. We hope for the day that this type of event will not be needed, but in the meantime, we continue to do our part to address hunger from many angles.

The organizations that are receiving the meals you packed:
1. Haitian Health Foundation (http://www.haitianhealthfoundation.org/)
2. Healthy Waltham (https://healthywaltham.org/)
3. Rose's Bounty Food Pantry (http://rosesbounty.org/)
4. United Church of Christ distributed to recipients in Medford (https://sanctuaryucc.org/)
5. War veterans in Marshfield, MA
6. New England food pantries
7. Maui, Hawai'i, still recovering from historic wildfires

We look forward to hosting future events, but it doesn't stop now...you can pack meals year-round hosted by EndHungerNE (https://www.endhungerne.org/) in Pembroke, MA, to feed food-insecure families in the New England area. Matthew Martin, whom many of you met during the event, is the amazing lead at EndHungerNE. Thank you, Matthew, for being an amazing partner for over a decade!
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