Your contact information...

This is a space for you to fill — a space for Academy Fellows, Partners and Affiliates to share answers to pedagogically focused questions.

We start by asking for your contact information; then for your responses to the questions; and finally, for suggestions for questions/topics to include in a future Forum.  

The current questions for the Forum are:
* Do you use learning analytics to support your work?  How do you use it and how has it helped?
* What tips or tricks do you use to ease grading fatigue at the end of the term?
* What course (real or imagined) have you never taught, but would be thrilled to teach?

Answer any or all of the questions.  We gently recommend you write and save your responses in a word processor outside of the form and paste the text in when you are ready to post.

Responses may be edited for brevity and to fit the format of the newsletter.
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What is your EMAIL address? *
This is for our own use in case we need to contact you.  Your email address will NOT be printed with your response in the newsletter.
What NAME would you like us to use in the newsletter? *
This will appear alongside your response.  If you prefer us to use a pseudonym, please provide one.
In what AREA OF CAMPUS do you mainly work or study?
This is optional.  We will print this alongside your response in the newsletter.  Please keep your description short (e.g. UW Extension; Department of English, SMPH).
What is your CONNECTION to the Teaching Academy? *
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