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The Jefferson School African American Heritage Center positively impacts people’s lives.
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I have attended an event at the JSAAHC in the last…
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I understand the JSAAHC’s Mission.
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I understand that the JSAAHC is a different entity than the Jefferson School Foundation.
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JSAAHC serves as a cultural/historical/social hub for African Americans.
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JSAAHC is a safe space for African Americans to learn about their history in Charlottesville and its contemporary manifestations.
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JSAAHC is a safe space for everyone to learn about the racial history of Charlottesville and its contemporary manifestations.
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JSAAHC programming is accessible to the African American community.
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It is important for JSAAHC to create and continue programming that (check all that apply)
I would be willing to contribute to support programming that (check all that apply)
JSAAHC could improve it value to the African American Community by (check all that apply)
I have contributed to JSAAHC through donations or attending events between January 2020 and January 2022.
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I attend other education and cultural events in the Charlottesville region.
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If you answered "yes" to the previous question, please note the last three sponsors of events attended.
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