Addressing Systemic Racism at Carleton: Our Shared Responsibility
June 30, 2020

Dear President Bacon,

We are a group of Carleton University professors, lecturers, librarians, students, staff, and alumni who stand in solidarity with Black, Indigenous and People of Colour (BIPOC) who are working to dismantle centuries of systemic racism that has been woven into the fabric of our society.

We welcomed your recent statement situating the recent killings of George Floyd, Regis Korchinski-Paquet, Breonna Taylor, Tony McDade, Ahmaud Arbery, Abdirahman Abdi, and all too many others, within intergenerational memories and histories of police and state violence against Black, Brown, and Indigenous peoples on the continent. We, too, are committed to engaging honestly with this history of violence. We are also committed to addressing the direct and outspoken racism, hate-speech and microaggressions that Black students, staff, and faculty at Carleton have regularly reported on campus.

We believe that ending anti-Black racism requires broad-based systemic and institutional change across all sectors of society, including formal education. To move beyond existing structures, philosophies, and histories of white supremacy, anti-Black racism, and colonial racism – as well as symbolic, performative gestures – Carleton must not only create changes to the content of pedagogy and research. It must also address the ongoing legacies of oppression within which pedagogy and research take place.

In studying, working, and consulting with faculty, students, and staff across the university, as well as our alumni and national and international partners, we have repeatedly heard that Black life “feels small” and underwhelming at Carleton. In the effort to organize against anti-Black racism where we are situated, and to foster effective change, we call on Carleton to take the following steps:

1. Demonstrate its commitment to creating “a campus community in which everyone has a sense of physical and psychological safety as well as a sense of belonging” by re-assessing its relationship with the police.

2. Provide concrete commitments to the hiring, retention, and promotion of Black faculty.

3. Create an initiative and steering group for the study of racism and racialization that will enhance research, teaching, and program development in Black Studies and Critical Race Studies in existing units.

4. Fund anti-racist and Black-led student and faculty research.

5. Address the hostile culture and oppressive environments that reproduce anti-Black racism in our community.

6. Generate accurate disaggregated data on the racial backgrounds of students, faculty members, and other employees.

7. Support the significant number of BIPOC in custodial and maintenance services who require a living wage and environmentally safe working conditions.

8. Commit to evaluating its investment portfolios and relationship to the military.

1)   Demonstrate Carleton’s commitment to creating “a campus community in which everyone has a sense of physical and psychological safety as well as a sense of belonging” by re-assessing our relationship to the police
Anti-black policing has deep roots in Ottawa, dating back to the earliest days of this city. In the last fifty years, the Ottawa Police Service has disproportionately profiled, arrested, and harmed Black Ottawans. Given this reality, Carleton’s existing security relationship with the Ottawa Police Service must be examined and significantly revised to ensure that we do not legitimate or perpetuate state violence and aggressive racist policing.

To achieve this, we call for the creation of a task force with the mandate to introduce new protocols for Carleton security that minimize reliance on the police, incorporate anti-racist principles into Campus Safety policies, and training,  and ensure a safe campus for the Black community. This task force should also work with members of other communities disproportionately targeted by police, including Indigenous people. Black members of this task force, as well as other members representing disproportionately targeted groups, must be compensated for their time, or given time off from their usual duties, to participate.
2)   Provide concrete commitments to the hiring, retention, and promotion of Black faculty
Heartened and emboldened by other Canadian institutions, such as OCADU, Queen’s, York, and McGill, which have each hired 4-5 Black Studies faculty members in the last two years – as well as FASS’s recent announcement that it will undertake a strategic hire in anti-Black racism or a related subject –  we call for a commitment to the strategic hiring, over the next five years, of six Black tenure-track faculty members who are trained in or otherwise centre Black Studies or Critical Race Studies in their research. While the arts, humanities, and social sciences are the most obvious places for such hires, we encourage consideration of hires in STEM and other disciplines as well. Such hires will increase capacity for interdisciplinary research in the minor in Critical Race Studies being proposed by the Institute of Women’s and Gender Studies. They will also provide critical support for interdisciplinary teaching, research, and program development within the Institute of African Studies, which has lost four Africanist colleagues over the past two years.
To seriously address the question of retention, we call for a study that will interview Black faculty members who have departed Carleton. This study will learn about their experiences at Carleton, the factors that led to their departure, and any suggestions that they might have about making Carleton a more attractive and welcoming  place for Black scholars. It should be supplemented with a campus-wide anonymous survey of current Black faculty, students and staff would also provide additional information regarding the tremendous and multiform obstacles they face.
We support the ongoing calls to revise the format and role of teaching evaluations in tenure and promotions and establish clear and transparent tenure and promotion standards across the university that permit departments and faculty boards to use multi-modal evaluations when reviewing a file.

3)   Create an initiative and steering group for the study of racism and racialization that will enhance research, teaching, and program development in Black Studies and Critical Race Studies in existing units
To support new hires and their retention and promotion at Carleton, we call on Carleton to enhance its interdisciplinary and cross-faculty research, teaching, and program development in Black Studies and Critical Race Studies.

We call for the creation of an initiative and steering group for the study of racism and racialization that will serve as a dynamic interdisciplinary and cross-faculty research cluster. This steering group will provide critical support for initiatives such as a Black Studies Certificate as well as other initiatives such as the minor in Critical Race Studies being proposed by the Institute of Women’s and Gender Studies. It will also be a hub for the development of cross-disciplinary anti-racist curricula, and ensure that all units consider ways to ensure that syllabi and curriculum offerings are diverse in and of themselves and that this work does not fall only to BIPOC faculty. It will include student representation, enrich the experience of graduates and undergraduates, support Carleton’s commitment to global citizenship and an International Decade for People of African Descent, and create, and equip students with resources to think and live through moments of profound change.

4)   Fund anti-racist and Black-led student and faculty research
We call for a commitment to funding anti-racist research at Carleton, including the creation of $250,000 in new scholarships for Black undergraduate and graduate students, new research grants and assistantships geared toward Black undergraduate and graduate students, and the creation of a pre-doctoral fellowship in Critical Race Studies for Black scholars doing transformative work. Black scholars and research with Black communities are chronically underfunded across Canadian institutions. Research on Black communities is rarely community-based, which means scholarship seldom benefits the very communities on which that research is conducted on.

We also call for a commitment to promoting and disseminating Black scholarship in and beyond the university through the funding of lecture series, through public relations activities across various university units (e.g., the library, archives, alumni relations, admissions and recruitment, Dominion-Chalmers Centre), through the purchasing and commissioning of artwork for the university by Black artists, through support and promotion of Black cultural events (e.g. film festivals, literary readings, poetry and musical performances), through creation or preservation of Black community archives in the National Capital Region, through the dismantling of systems which prevent residents from accessing libraries, talks and resources, and through other means.

Initiatives such as the Afro-Caribbean Mentorship program and the Barber Shop Talks have begun this work of supporting Black scholarship and research at Carleton and within the Black communities of the National Capital Region. We call for expanded and permanent funding for such initiatives, including a coordinator position and an account for project funding and engagement with related research, policy, and practitioner communities at the local, national, and international levels. This coordinator can work with the Racism and Racialization steering group to help to allocate the scholarships and research grants for Black students mentioned above.
5)   Address the hostile culture and oppressive environments that reproduce anti-Black racism at Carleton
We support the calls of students to make the completion of an  anti-racist course mandatory for all undergraduate degrees at the University of Ottawa and Carleton University. We also call for:

-reviews of the anti-racist training provided within applied research and professional programs;

-clear guidelines about hate-speech in the classroom and investment in mental health and counselling services, geared toward Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour students;

-the informal counselling provided by BIPOC faculty members to be recognized as a component of their required university service;

-the hiring of more counsellors to reduce wait times;

-the hiring of BIPOC counsellors who specialize in anti-racism and decolonization to support the needs of Black and minority staff and students;

-established and accessible pathways to care for faculty: commonly, employee and family assistance programs through university insurance plans do not explicitly deal with racism;

-the creation of a student at-risk program that will provide material support for Black students who may be at risk of dropping out due to various factors (including, but not limited to, poverty, homelessness, immigration status, stress and trauma related to anti-black racism);

-commemoration and celebration of the contributions of Black people and Black social and political movements to Carleton, Canada and the world (in, for example, the naming of campus buildings and initiatives, placement of plaques, and erection of statues).  

More broadly, we call for proactive investments in anti-racist education and resources for Carleton faculty, administrators, governors, and employees. Such investments should expand diversity training measures beyond a psychological emphasis on problems such as unconscious bias. White privilege must be recognized as an issue incubated by the wider culture and the university system itself. Just as all departments and units consider ways to ensure that syllabi and curriculum offerings are diverse in and of themselves and that this work does not fall only to BIPOC faculty, all members of the university must be held responsible for the wellbeing of BIPOC who are peers, colleagues, and students.

6)   Generate accurate disaggregated data on the racial backgrounds of students, faculty members and other employees at Carleton
Carleton University is a public institution with a duty to its constituents. We thus call for a commitment to generate accurate disaggregated data on the racial backgrounds of students, faculty members, and other employees. This data is essential to identify any systemic problems that may inform the recruitment, retention, and graduation rates of Black, Indigenous, and People of Colour at Carleton.

Building on the analysis of a Gender Wage Gap at Carleton, we call on the university to conduct a Race Wage Gap analysis to understand how the University values Black and minority ethnic labour relative to White labour. The results of this study should be made public.

7)   Support the significant number of BIPOC in custodial and maintenance services who require a living wage and environmentally safe working conditions

The disproportionate health and economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic on Black working-class communities have made the ramifications of racial and class inequalities abundantly clear.

We believe that Carleton has a responsibility to ensure environmentally safe working conditions for everyone who works on campus, including BIPOC in custodial services and facility maintenance. We call on the University to ensure that Carleton is a living wage employer that provides secure work and supportive contracts at all levels.

8) Commit to evaluating Carleton’s investment portfolios and relationship to the military
We call on Carleton to evaluate its investment portfolios to ensure that it is not funding systemic racism. A starting point could be consulting this list and universities that have deinvested from companies that exacerbate racial inequalities by profiting from mass incarceration and immigration detention centres.

We take seriously Carleton’s heritage as an institution that served veterans returning from World War Two and supported their formal education and transition to civilian life. We are concerned that the contemporary use of Carleton’s facilities to train military personnel subverts this relationship.  Given the failure of the Canadian Armed Forces to define ‘hateful conduct,’ and that Canadian armed forces members are seen as important recruits for the extreme right, we call on Carleton to no longer provide its facilities for the training of military personnel.

More broadly, we call on Carleton to re-assess its relationship to policing, military research, the correctional establishment, border control, the oil economy, and other areas of governance and surveillance in course and curriculum delivery, research and funding partnerships, and other institutional processes.

We, the undersigned, do not propose that these calls provide an exhaustive list of ways to fight racism. We do, however, believe that these specific, actionable, and measurable prescriptions will help us to take ambitious strides towards building an anti-racist campus and establishing clear and transparent guidelines, policies and initiatives that will hold us accountable to the communities we serve.


Aaron Doyle Professor  Sociology and Anthropology
Abigail Lynch  Student  Religion
Abram Lutes   Student  Public Affairs
Aboubakar Sanogo  Professor  SSAC-Film Studies
Adam Gibeault Alumnus/a Film studies
Adriana Persaud Student English and History
Aislynn Smith Student EURUS
Ajay Parasram Alumnus/a Political Science /Political Economy
Alana Conway Alumnus/a Anthropology
Alberto Souza Student SOAN
Aleiya Cummins Alumnus/a
Alejandro Hernandez, PhD Alumnus/a
Alex Bing Student Sociology and Anthropology
Alex Dauncey Elwood Alumnus/a Political Science
Alexander McClelland Professor Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Alexander Waworuntu Student Public Affairs
Alexandra Hoad Student FASS
Alexandra Lyn Student Azrieli School of Architecture
Alexis Shotwell Professor Sociology & Anthropology
Alicia Hollington Staff Office of the vice provost
Alicia Kalmanovitch  Student  Social Work
Alicia Melatti Student Applied Linguistics and Discourse studies
Alison Creba Alumnus/a
Allison Crea Alumnus/a English
Allison Everett Professor Faculty of Public Affairs
Allison Lusby Student
Alyssa Ford Student
Alyssa Schenk Student  Social Work
Amanda Prusila Student SSAC
Amanda van Beinum Student  Sociology and Anthropology
Amara Umeh   Student Health Sciences
Amir Banihashemi Professor Engineering
Amran Ali Alumnus/a Sociology
Amrita Hari Professor Institute of Women's and Gender Studies
Amy Fung Student School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies
Ana A Alumnus/a
Andrea Howard Professor Department of Psychology
Andrea Korsch Student NPSIA
Andrew Gemmell Student SICS, IPE
Andrew M. Johnston Professor History
Andrew Wallace Professor Department of English Language and Literature
Andy Thompson Staff Office of Vice-Provost and Associate Vice-President (Academic)
Angela Weiser Alumnus/a Humanities
Angelos Bakoulas Alumnus/a Political Science
Ania Zbyszewska Professor Law and Legal Studies
Ann Cvetkovich Professor Director, Pauline Jewett Institute of Women's and Gender Studies
Ann Walton Student History
Anna Hoefnagels Professor SSAC/SICS
Anna Hum Student Communication
Anna Przednowek Student Social Work
Annabelle Linders Student BPAPM
Anne Bowker Professor Psychology
Anne Sheehy Alumnus/a Film
Anthony Stewart Alumnus/a English
Anwar AlShammari Student English Language and Literature Department
Ashleigh Feltmate Student School of Linguistics and Language Studies
Ashley Hunkin Alumnus/a CUSA VP Student Services 2007/2008
Asia Barclay Alumnus/a Faculty of Public Affairs, School of Social Work
Aubrey Anable Professor SSAC-Film
Audra A. Diptée Professor Histoire
Aya Kamal Student English
Azar Masoumi Professor Sociology and Anthropology
Barbara Leckie Professor English & ICSLAC
Barbara McWhorter Alumnus/a
Beatriz Juárez-Rodríguez Professor Sociology and Anthropology Department
Benjamin Mark Alumnus/a History
Benjamin Woo Professor Communication and Media Studies
Bill Skidmore Professor Interdisciplinary Studies
Birgit Hopfener Professor SSAC
Blair Rutherford Professor Sociology and Anthropology
Brandon Rouleau Alumnus/a Sociology and Anthropology
Brenda Vellino Professor English
Brian Greenspan Professor English
Brian Johnson Professor English Language and Literature
Briana Yerbury Alumnus/a NPSIA
Brianna McFarlane Theatre Critic
Brittany Campbell Student Sociology and Anthropology
Brittney Cooke Alumnus/a English
Brooklynn Lacelle Student Social work
Bryanna Lavergne Student
Caglar Dolek Professor Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Caitlin Giffin Alumnus/a History
Caitlin Manuel Student Women's and Gender Studies
Caitlyn Hyndman Alumnus/a NPSIA
Callan McKenna Student School of Social Work
Candace Sobers Professor Global and International Studies
Cara Tierney Student Institute for Comparative Studies of Literature, Arts, and Culture
Carmen Robertson Professor FASS
Caroline Biotteau  Alumnus/a NPSIA
Carolyn Ramzy Professor SSAC: Music
Cassandra Marsillo Alumnus/a History
Cassie Racicot Student Bachelor of Social Work, Faculty of Public Affairs
Catherine Bonier Professor Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism
Charelle Heon Alumnus/a English Department
Charlotte Guest Alumnus/a
Chinnaiah Jangam Professor
Chloe Hamilton Student Department of Anthropology
Chris Russill Professor Communication + Media Studies
Christian Keller Student Historu
Christian McGregor Student Department of History
Christiane Wilke Professor Law & Legal Studies
Christianne West Student Child Studies
Christina Gabriel Professor Political Science
Christina Noja Staff Office of the Vice-Provost
Christine Crowther Professor School of Journalism and Communication
Christine Duff Professor African Studies/French
Christine Moreau Student Sociology and Anthropology
Christine Pich Professor Sociology
Christopher Davidson Student Art History, SSAC
Christopher Motz   Professor Psychology
Christopher Webb Professor Geography and Environmental Studies
Christy Etienne Staff Career Service
Cilicia Glave Student
Claire de Jeu Student Azrieli School of Architecture
Clare Duncan Student Faculty of Arts and Sciences
Claudia Sendanyoye Student Health Sciences
Codie Fortin Lalonde Student School of Linguistics and Language Studies
Cristina Rojas Professor Political Science
Curtis Diplock Alumnus/a English
Dacia Douhaibi Alumnus/a NPSIA
Daiva Stasiulis Professor Sociology and Anthropology
Dan Irving Professor Women’s and Gender Studies & Human Rights and Social Justice
Dan Vena Professor Film Studies
Dana Dragunoiu Professor English
Dana Foley Student English
Dani Normandeau Student
Daniel McNeil Professor History
Daniel Stolarski Professor Physics
Daniela Veisman Alumnus/a Architecture
Danielle Dinovelli-Lang Professor Sociology and Anthropology
Danielle Kinsey Professor History
Danka Davidovic Student History & Greek and Roman Studies
Danuta Sierhuis Alumnus/a Art History (2014), Humanities (2012)
Darby Mallory Student WGST
David Dean Professor History
David García León Professor School of Linguistics and Language Studies
David Johnston Alumnus/a History
David Laferriere Student International Affairs
David Richler Student Cultural Mediations, Film Studies
Dawn Moore  Professor Law and legal studies
Dawn Schmidt Staff ICSLAC
Deborah Conners Professor Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Deborah Harris Alumnus/a NPSIA
Deborah Young Student School of Social Work, FPA
Delphine DiTecco Student Law and Legal Studies (PhD)
Derek Admana Alumnus/a Film Studies
Dessa Bayrock Student Department of English
Devin Odell Student English
Dian Marie Alumnus/a
Diane Roberts Student
Dirk Boon Student Anthropology
Donna Patrick Professor Sociology and Anthropology
Doris Buss Professor Law and Legal Studies
Egla Martinez Salazar, Xinka-Indigenous Professor Social Justice and Human Rights
Elisheva Sher Student Sprott
Ellen Waterman Professor SSAC (Music)
Elphine Onsongo Alumnus/a International affairs (NPSIA)
Émélie Desrochers-Turgeon Student Architecture
Emilie Hill-Smith Student Anthropology
Emily Andrew Student
Emily Burnett Student English Language and Literature
Emily Fallows Student English
Emily Hersey Student Anthropology
Emily Hiltz Professor Communication & Media Studies
Emily Ireland Alumnus/a
Emily Lehman Student Psychology
Emily Miller Student AKC
Emily Pearson Student History
Emily Putnam Student Institute for Comparative Studies in Literature, Art, and Culture
Erica Fraser Professor History
Erin Wark Student History
Eros Corazza Professor Philosophy
Esther Post Professor English
Eva Mackey Professor School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies
Evelyn Maeder Professor Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Faith Thomson Alumnus/a
Fiona Robinson Professor Political Science
Fiona Wright Staff Art Gallery
Firoze Manji Professor Institute of African Studies
Francine Darroch Professor Health Sciences
Franny Nudelman Professor English
Friskjen van Veldhoven Professor Sociology and Anthropology
Gabe Senecal Student SPPA
Genevieve Johnston Student Sociology and Anthropology
Gillian MacEachran Alumnus/a
Graeme O'Farrell Student Institute of political economy
Grant Williams Professor English Department
Gunnar Iversen Professor SSAC, Film Studies
Hailey Johnston Student Women's and Gender Studies
Hailey MacLeod Student
Hamish Miller Alumnus/a History
Hanna Stewart Alumnus/a
Hannah Dick Professor Communication and Media Studies
Hannah Keating Alumnus/a
Hannah Sabuelba Student
Hannah Whale Student History
Hannah Whale Student History
Hans-Martin Jaeger Professor Political Science
Hayley Forbed Student
Heather Anderson  Staff  Carleton University Art Gallery  
Heather Logan Professor Physics
Helen Kennedy Student History
Helen Roumeliotis Student ICSLAC
Helyeh Doutaghi Student Law and Legal Studies
Herman Wong Alumnus/a Public Affairs
Hikmet Mawi Student Childhood & Youth Studies
Hollis Moore Professor Law and Legal Studies
Hong Nguyen-Sears Student English
Hunter Thompson Student
Ian Archer Alumnus/a
Isaac Otchere Professor Sprott School of Business
Isabella Redgate Student Public History (Graduate)
Jack Martin Student
Jaclyn Legge Student English
Jacqueline Kennelly Professor Sociology and Anthropology
Jacqueline Morrison Student Religion
Jade Proulx Student Arts
James Allen Alumnus/a Economics
James Kerr Student History
James McGowan Professor SSAC
James Miller   Professor History
Janet Siltanen Retired employee Soc/Anth
Janice Schroeder Professor English
Janna Klostermann Student Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Janne Cleveland Professor English
Jaqueline Sheppard Student
Jasmeet Bahia Student Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Jay Drydyk Professor Philosophy
Jay Ramasubramanyam Student Law and Legal Studies
Jeff Monaghan Professor Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Jennifer Evans Professor History
Jennifer Henderson Professor School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies
Jennifer Ridgley Professor Geography and Environmental Studies
Jerzy Elzanowski   Professor School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies
Jessica Harvey Student English
Jessie Gamarra Alumnus/a Art History
Jill Stoner Professor Architecture and Urbanism
Jill Wigle Professor Geography and Environmental Studies
Jim Opp Professor History
Jimi Aribido Student
Jiyoung Lee-An Professor School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies
Joan Sinclair   Student Comp Sci
Jodie Medd Professor English Language and Literature
Jody Mason Professor English
Johan Voordouw Professor Azrieli School of Architecture
John C. Walsh Professor History
John Carlson Student Indigenous and Canadian Studies
Jordan Fields Student Psychology
Josée Hurley Student Social Work
Josh Horton Alumnus/a Communication and Media Studies
Joshua Bowman Student Legal Studies
Julia Aguiar Alumnus/a Depart of History
Julia Cappelletti Student Political Science
Julia Sinclair- Palm Professor IIS
Julie Murray Professor English
June Girvan, O. Ont. Alumnus/a
Justice Tremblay Student Philosophy & Women's and Gender Studies
Justin Paulson Professor Sociology
Kaeden Seburn Student School of Social Work
Kagiso Molope Student English
Kaitlin Wilson Alumnus/a Geography
Kamari Clarke Professor Former BGInS Professor
Karen Hébert Professor Department of Geography and Environmental Studies
Karim H. Karim Professor Journalism and Communication
Karla Cisneros Student International Affairs
Kassandra Morton Student English
Kat Huybregts Student Sociology
Katelyn McGirr Student History
Katharine Bausch Professor Women's and Gender Studies
Katherine Brink Alumnus/a Law and Legal Studies
Katherine Occhiuto Student Social Work
Katie Cameron Alumnus/a School of Social Work
Kay Wagg Student History
Kayden Debney Student Social Work
Kayleigh Rivet Student
Kelsey Perreault Student ICSLAC
Ken Ferguson Professor Philosophy
Kent Hall Student Sociology and Anthropology
Kenta Asakura Professor School of Social Work
Kester Dyer Professor School for Studies in Art and Culture
Kevin Partridge Student Sociology and Anthropology
Khadija El Hilali Student Faculty of Public Affairs
Kika Otiono Alumnus/a
Kira Geisterfer-Black Student Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Kirsten Nelson Student Math & Stats
Kit Chokly Student Communication Studies
Kristen Kowlessar Student Sociology & Anthropology
Kristen Oyama Student Architecture
Kristin Bright Professor Anthropology (Adjunct Faculty)
Kusum Wijesekera Alumnus/a Engineering (Mechanical and Aerospace)
Kuthula Matshazi Student Public Administration
Kyla Sferrazza Student
Kyle G. Cayouette Student Law and Legal Studies
Kyra O’Shaughnessy Alumnus/a Arts and social science
Lara Karaian Professor Criminology
Laura Delle Donne Student Political Science
Laura Hnatiw Student Women's and gender studies
Laura Horak Professor SSAC: Film Studies
Laura Macdonald Professor Political Science and Institute of Political Economy
Laura Madokoro Professor History
Laura Ndoria Alumnus/a Sociology
Laura Pickell   Professor Health Science
Lauren Brooks-Cleator Professor Social Work
Lauren Hollis Alumnus/a Journalism
Lauren Rollit Student Journalism and Humanities
Lealem Abebe Alumnus/a The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Leanne Godlington Student Environmental science
Leigh Perez Alumnus/a Sprott School of Business
Liam Cole Young Professor School of Journalism and Communication
Liam Lawrence Alumnus/a
Lilia Rebus Student
Lily Inskip-Shesnicky Student Film Studies and Computer Science
Lindsay Dorder Student Health Sciences
Lindsay Tannahill   Alumnus/a College of the Humanities
Lindy Van Vliet Student Indigenous and Canadian Studies
Lisa Deveau  Student  Social Work
Lisa Mills Professor SPPA and Arthur Kroeger College
Logan Cochrane Professor Global and International Studies
Loriann Garden Alumnus/a NPSIA
Louise De La Gorgendiere Professor Anthropology
Luciana Mejia Perez Student BGINS
Luke Roberts Student
Lynn Marshall Professor Systems and Computer Engineering and Athletics
Mackenzie Ann Robertson Alumnus/a Film
Mackenzie Cielen-Gough Student Sociology
Madalena Santos Professor Institute of Criminology and Criminal Justice
Maddie Stewart Student Political Science
Madeline Guthrie   Student
Maeve McMahon   Professor Law and Legal Studies
Maggie Sherwin Student History
Malini Guha Professor Film Studies, SSAC
Manahil Bandukwala Alumnus/a English
Manjeet Birk Professor Women‘s and Gender Studies
Marc Saurette Professor History
Margaret MacNeil Student Commerce
Maria Khorkhordina Student Social Sciences
Mariam Lafrenie Student History
Mariam Tamale Alumnus/a
Marie-Eve Carrier-Moisan Professor Anthropology
Marika Brown Alumnus/a
Marina White Student Health Sciences
Marnie McPhee Student History
Maseh Hadaf Student NPSIA
Matthew Scribner Professor English Language and Literature
Matthew Venner Alumnus/a English Language and Literature
Max Cronkitw Student History
Mayelle Joachim Alumnus/a French
Mayurika Chakravorty Professor Department of English and the Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies
McKenzie McDonald Student English Department
Meg Collins Student
Megan Gaucher Professor Law and Legal Studies
Megan Klemencic Student Environmental studies
Megan Rivers-Moore Professor WGST
Megghan Perez Staff TLS-CUOL
Megh Durston Student History
Meghan Bischoff Student Engineering
Meghan Boyer Alumnus/a
Meghan Burns Student Public Affairs and Policy Management
Meghan Tibbits-Lamirande Student English
Meighan Mantei Student Anthropology
Melanie Adrian Professor Law
Melanie Coughlin Professor College of the Humanities and Philosophy
Melanie Orsborne Alumnus/a Law
Melissa Conte Student Sociology & Anthropology
Meysoon Amin Student Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Miary Yamamoto Alumnus/a NPSIA
Micah McCoy-Cooke Student Architecture
Michael Christensen Professor Law and Legal Studies
Michaela Bax-Leaney Student Journalism and History
Michel Hogue Professor History
Michele LeBlanc Student Health Sciences
Micheline White Professor English Literature
Ming Tiampo Professor SSAC
Mira Sucharov Professor Political Science
Miranda Brady Professor Communication
Miranda Leibel Student School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies
Miriam Mayangi Student Media and Communications
Molly Stollmeyer  Student  Political Economy
Monica Patterson Professor Institute for the Comparative Study of Literature, Art, and Culture
Morgan McNeely Alumnus/a
Mourad Laabdi Professor College of the Humanities, Religion
Murray Leeder Alumnus/a Film Studies/ICSLAC
Myrto Mylopoulos Professor Philosophy & Cognitive Science
Nabil Bhatia Alumnus/a Norman Paterson School of International Affairs
Nadia Abu-Zahra  Professor Women's and Gender Studies, Pauline Jewett Institute
Nadia Bozak  Professor  English
Nadia Taylor Alumnus/a
Nahla Abdo Professor Sociology/Anthropology
Namitha Rathinappillai Student Criminology
Nancy Cain Alumnus/a Political Science
Nasra Said Student
Natalia Escobar Castrillon Professor Architecture
Natalia Manning Student Department of Sociology and Anthropology
Natalie Cross Student History
Natalina Salmaso Professor Neuroscience
Natasha Reid Student Engineering
Nduka Otiono Professor Institute of African Studies
Nicholas Paquin Student History
Nick Ward Staff ODFASS
Nicoletta Owens Student
Nigel Klemencic-Puglisevich Student History and Greek & Roman Studies
Nimo Bokore   Professor School of Social Work
Nina Babic Student Communication and Media Studies
Ninel De Leon Alumnus/a
Nyakuma ( Kuma) Buoy Student African Studies
Oliver Thorne Student Indigenous and Canadian Studies
Olivia Lassaline Student NPSIA
Olivia Polk Student Social Work
Olivia Richmond Student History and Medieval and Early Modern Studies
Oluwafemi Segun-Ige Student Health Sciences
Otmar Melhado Student Architecture
Owen McVeigh Student Health Sciences
Ozayr Saloojee Professor Azrieli School of Architecture and Urbanism
Paige Burnham Alumnus/a
Palak Dhiman Student Sociology
Patricia D. McGuire Professor social work
Patrick Ennis Student Social work
Patrizia Gentile Professor Human Rights & Social Justice/Women's and Gender Studies
Paul Elliott Alumnus/a
Paul Kariouk Professor Architecture
Paul Keen Professor English
Paul Litt   Professor SICS/History
Paul Nelles Professor History
Paul Peters Professor Health Sciences
Peter Hodgins Professor School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies
Peter MacDonald Alumnus/a English and Computer Science
Philip Kaisary Professor Law & Legal Studies / ICSLAC / English
Philippe-Antoine Hoyeck Professor Philosophy
Phoebe McDonald Alumnus/a
Phoebe Smith Alumnus/a Norman Paterson School of International Affairs
Pierce Labarre Alumnus/a Engineering
Piper Bernbaum Professor Architecture
Rachel Jobson Student Sociology
Ramesh Balakrishnan   Student Norman Paterson School of International Affairs
Rashmi Luther Retired employee School of Social Work
Rebecca Sagrillo Student
Rebecca Schein Professor Interdisciplinary Studies/Human Rights
Rebecca Veaudry   Alumnus/a
Rebekah Ingram Alumnus/a School of Linguistics and Language Studies
Regan Brown Student History
Regan Girard Student English
Rehab Salama Student Architecture
Rena Bivens Professor School of Journalism and Communication
Robin Norris Professor English/CIE
Robyn Green Staff OVPAVPA
Roger William Connah Professor Architecture
Romeo Joe Quintero Student Pauline Jewett Institute of Women’s and Gender Studies
Rona Fraser Student Childhood & Youth Studies
Roshane Farquharson Student Social work
Ross Chiasson Student Department of English
Rushi Ner Student Public Affairs
Ryan Conrad  Professor Women's and Gender Studies
Ryan Dubney  Alumnus/a College of the Humanities
Sakina Hussain Alumnus/a Physics
Salma Ahmed-Osman Student  Law and Legal Studies
Samantha Mason Student Neuroscience
Samantha Milling Student Humanities
Samantha Siebert Alumnus/a Psychology
Samira Levesque Student NPSIA
Samuel Logan Student
Samuel Taylor  Student  Bachelor of Public Affairs and Policy Management
Sandra Robinson Professor Communication and Media Studies
Sara Adams Alumnus/a Humanities/English/FASS
Sara Harvey Student History
Sara Jamieson Professor Department of English
Sarah Aguiar   Student Arts and Social Sciences
Sarah Ashton Student English
Sarah Brouillette Professor English
Sarah Casteel Professor English/ICSLAC/IAS
Sarah Dorward Student Department of English
Sarah Fiander Student Sociology
Sarah Graham Student
Sarah Hogenbirk Alumnus/a History
Sarah Johnson Student Institute of Interdisciplinary Studies
Sarah Katz-Lavigne Alumnus/a The Norman Paterson School of International Affairs
Sarah Lamoureux Alumnus/a Film Studies and English
Sarah Littisha Jansen Student Norman Paterson School of International Affairs
Sarah Mackintosh Student NPSIA
Sarah Smith Professor Communication & Media Studies
Sarah Travis Alumnus/a English
Sarah Waisvisz Alumnus/a English Language and Literature
Sarania Dabee Student
Sasha Jones
Savannah Logan Student Social Work
Scott Smart Student Film Studies, ISLAC
Sebastien Malette Professor Law and Legal Studies
Selina Sehdev Student Psychology
Serena Rourke Student NPSIA
Shafiqah Muhamad Nor  Alumnus/a  NPSIA & Law and Legal Studies
Shalah M  Alumnus/a  School of Public Policy and Administration
Shannon Kitley Student Architecture
Shannon Rosset Alumnus/a Alumni from NPSIA and Sprott School of Business
Shante Gardner Student School of Public Policy
Shawn Graham Professor History
Sheryl Hamilton Professor Journalism and Communication and Law and Legal Studies
Shireen Hassim Professor Institute of African Studies
Shivankur Sharma  Student
Sneha Kumar Alumnus/a FSAC
Sofia Colucci Student English
Sonya Jenkins Alumnus/a NPSIA
Sonya Lipsett-Rivera Librarian History
Sophia Bair-Marshall Staff Athletics
Sophia Graham Student
Stacy Douglas Professor Law and Legal Studies
Stéfy McKnight Professor BMPD
Stephanie Hawkland Alumnus/a
Stephen Osei-Owusu Student HISTORY
Stuart J. Murray Professor English
Sukeshi Kamra Retired employee English
Sukhi Dhaliwal Student Political Science
Sulaimon Giwa, PhD Alumnus/a Social Work
Suneet Grewal Alumnus/a School of Journalism
Susan Birkwood Professor English Language and Literature
Susan Braedley Professor Social Work
Susan Laws Alumnus/a
Suzanne Harris-Brandts Professor School of Architecture and Urbanism
Tadi Hondonga Student Health Sciences
Talia Rampelt Alumnus/a Faculty of Public Affairs
Taneisha Dunham Student English
Tanya Schwartz Staff History
Tanyss Sharp Student History
Tara McWhinney Student School of Social Work
Tariqa Tandon Alumnus/a Political Science
Tarn Jyoti Sharma Student Cognitive Science
Taryne Rhedey Alumnus/a ENGLISH
Taylor Maudlin Student Women’s and Gender Studies
Taylor Robinson Student
Thomas Stewart Student
Thu Anh Nguyễn Alumnus/a Mathematics
Tina Norris Alumnus/a
Tinu Akinwande Student CUSA Vice President Student Issues/ FPA 4th year undergrad
Tonya Davidson Professor Sociology
Tracey P. Lauriault Professor School of Journalism and Communication
Travis DeCook Professor English
Trecia James Staff OVPAVPA
Trina Cooper-Bolam Alumnus/a ICSLAC
Tyler Mennen Alumnus/a Social Work
Ummni Khan   Professor Law and Legal Studies
Umut Özsu Professor Law and Legal Studies
Valerie Stam, PhD Alumnus/a Sociology
Vanessa Falcone Student History
Vegas Hodgins Student Institute of Cognitive Science
Veronica Overlid Student Law and Legal Studies
Veronika Kratz Student English Lit
Victoria Nolte Student ICSLAC
Victoria Simmons Alumnus/a Dept. Sociology and Anthropology
Vincent Andrisani Professor Communication + Media Studies
Vivian Solana Professor SOAN
Ward Verschaeve Student Commerce
Warren Clarke Student Sociology and Anthropology
Weiyuan Xia Student Sociology
Westley Partington Student Sociology and Anthropology
William Felepchuk Student School of Indigenous and Canadian Studies
William Hébert Professor Law and Legal Studies
William Kone Alumnus/a Psychology
William Walters  Professor  Political Science & Sociology
Willianne Bien-Aimé Alumnus/a
Xiaobei Chen Professor Sociology and Anthropology
Xuan Thuy Nguyen Professor Interdisciplinary Studies
Yami Msosa Alumnus/a
Yaneka McFarland Alumnus/a Arts and Social Sciences
Yasin Kokarca  Alumnus/a  School of Linguistics and Language Studies
Yihyun Ryu Student School of Public Policy and Administration
Ying-Ying Tiffany Liu Alumnus/a Dept. of Sociology and Anthropology
Yodit Girmay   Alumnus/a Department of Law and Legal Studies
Zach Colbert   Professor Architecture
Zahraa Salami Student Humanities- English Literature
Zaiba Ali Student Graduate student at NPSIA
Zeynab Hashi Student
Zoe Todd Professor Sociology and Anthropology
Zoey Jones Student Sociology and Anthropology

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