If you haven't yet shopped at Ergonaut, what has stopped you? *
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Is your work...
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What is your workplace dress code? *
If your size wasn't available, what is your preferred dress size? (Optional - this helps us with 2024 planning)
Your answer
What Ergonaut pieces would you change? (Click the link to view specific products on the website) *
What would you change about them? (Please add as much detail as you like)
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Which influencers do you follow for fashion and style inspo? (Name as many as you like) *
Your answer
When it comes to our models, what would you like to see? (More age diversity? More of a specific size or ethnicity or height? No change?) Please tell us! *
Your answer
What pieces do you seek out most/ what's missing from your wardrobe?
Any final feedback for Ergonaut?
Your answer
Would you like to be entered in the draw to win a piece from Ergonaut & join our mailing list? (Valued up to $329) *
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