《「三投三不投」立會初選聯署》《Say No to Primary Dodgers - The Legco Petition》
We call upon all Hong Kong voters, to vow NOT to vote for any candidate in the upcoming 2020 Hong Kong Legco election who:
(1) does not support a Primary process
(2) does not partake in the Primary process (if one is held)
(3) does not obey results of the Primary process (refusing to drop out or regroup after losing in the primary)

Petition Background:

It is now a consensus among the pro-democratic supporters that our paramount priority in the upcoming Legco election is to win a majority. Yet, the current Proportional Representation System requires the pro-dem movement to be highly co-ordinated in order to capture the required number of seats in the Geographical Constituency. An effective Primary process will, therefore, be central to our goal to attain 35+ seats necessary to win a majority in Legco.

Professor Benny Tai and ex-lawmaker Nok-Hin Au have reached an agreement with prospective candidates, and primaries will be held for all Geographical Constituencies and District Council (Second) Functional Constituency. However, the pro-Democracy camp lacks a powerful entity to enforce the results of the primaries. Only the voters and their votes are capable of regulating the primary dodgers.

The role of our petition is to collect and quantify the voices of the voters. If enough voters vow not to vote for any primary dodgers, these candidates will understand that they do not have any chance of winning in the Legco election. By giving these primary dodgers a reality check, we hope they will act rationally and drop out. We will then achieve a de facto binding primary, eliminate vote splitting, and increases our chance of winning a majority in the upcoming Legco election.

Hongkongers need to act, and we need to be heard, to prompt our candidates to act rationally, and fight for capturing 35+ seats in the Legco together.

*By providing an email address in the petition, you are agreeing to receive further communication from the petition organizers. The organizers will comply with The Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Your personal information will only be used for our communication purpose, for you to stay updated with the latest news related to the petition, this includes our communication, marketing material, information, recruitment, and fund-raising campaigns. Your information will NOT be given to a third party.

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本人承諾,於2020年立法會選舉,不會投票給以下三種參選人:(1)反對舉行初選/協調的,不投!(2)有初選/協調機制但不參與的,不投!(3)初選落選後不肯退選或協調組隊的,不投! I vow that I will NOT vote for any candidate in the upcoming 2020 Legco Election who: (1) does not support a Primary process (2) does not partake in the Primary process (if one is held) (3) does not obey results of the Primary process (refusing to drop out or regroup after losing in the primary) *
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