The Gathering at Paint Rock Farm                   Vendor Application
Event Dates: June 3rd-5th, 2022
Event Address: 1295 Paint Rock Rd, Hot Springs, NC 28743
Contact us at (828) 776-1461 or

Vendor Fees:
Free! with purchase of a weekend general admission camping pass ($100)

Vending Hours:
Friday, June 3rd from 4pm - 10pm // Load in times beginning at 11am
Saturday, June 4th 10am - 10pm
Sunday, September 26th from 10am - 4pm // Load out begins at 5

Please note, there will be no power available to vendors so please plan accordingly.

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Name *
Email *
Company or Organization *
Website or Social Media
Please Briefly Describe Your Products and/or Offerings *
Can you attend all 3 days? *
Once accepted, I agree to purchase my vendor ticket by 5/22/22. *
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