St. Vincent General Hospital District

2024 Feedback Survey 

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1.  If you have had a medical visit at St. Vincent Health or St. Vincent Family Health Center in the last 3 years. How would you rate your experience? Scale of 1-5 with 5 as the highest. 

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2. Would you like to tell us about the experience? What did we do well, or could we have done differently to improve your experience?
3. Do you receive your medical care outside of Lake County?
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4. If you answered “yes” to question 3, why do you travel out of the area for medical care?
5. Is there something we can do, or a service/specialty we can offer so that you would receive your medical care at St. Vincent Health?
6.   May we contact you about any comments or concerns you shared in this survey to help us learn about your experience? Please include your contact info.
7.     What is your age?
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8. Which race/ethnicity best describes you? (Please choose one.)
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9. To which gender Identity do you most identify?
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10. Input your email below if we may send you monthly e-newsletter updates about St. Vincent Health.

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