Transfer your Pension to Freetrade
Please fill out this application form to transfer an existing Pension Plan to your Freetrade SIPP.  

If you have more than one pension plan you wish to transfer into your Freetrade SIPP, please complete a separate form for each.

For cash transfers, this form should take approximately 5 minutes to complete. If this is a stocks transfer (in-specie), this may take a bit longer.

To complete this form, you will need your:
  • National Insurance Number
  • Permanent residential address
  • Existing pension provider name
  • Existing pension provider policy reference
  • Existing pension plan value (please provide the
    most up to date value)
Before completing this form, please make sure you have opened your Freetrade SIPP.

SIPP eligibility and tax rules apply. US dividends received into your SIPP may be subject to US withholding tax. Pensions that are transferred to the Freetrade SIPP may lose the protected pension age benefit. This means that you will not be able to draw the monies from the Freetrade SIPP until you are aged 57. Please ensure you know what this means for you and the effect it may have on you and your savings.

Check before you transfer a pension to us that we can accept your investments, you won’t lose any guarantees, and that you know what charges you may incur. Seek advice if you are unsure about making a transfer.

A SIPP is a pension designed for you to save until your retirement and is for people who want to make their own investment decisions. You can normally only draw your pension from age 55 (57 from 2028), except in special circumstances. 

At present, Freetrade only supports Uncrystallised Fund Pension Lump Sums (UFPLS) for customers  who wish to withdraw funds from their SIPP after their 55th birthday. We strongly encourage you to seek financial advice before making any withdrawals from your SIPP.
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