Skills for Work Scholarship Cohort 5 Application Form
The Ministry of Education,  Sustainable Development,  Innovation, Science, Technology and Vocational Training invite eligible citizens of Saint Lucia to apply for the Commonwealth of Learning (COL) "Skills for Work Program" Scholarship. This scholarship program is designed to help close the skills gap for many in-demand and highly rewarding jobs that are available in commonwealth nations and beyond. The Ministry, with the support of COL encourage young citizens to take full advantage opportunity to gain skills required for decent employment and entrepreneurship. This opportunity is particularly important as the fast pace of change in today's job market place requires quick skilling, re-skilling, up-skilling, and an a healthy appreciation for lifelong learning.

Three options of scholarships are available under the Skills for Work Program:

1) Grow with Google Skills for Work Scholarship
2) Coursera Skills for Work Scholarship
3) Udemy Skills for Work Scholarship


Cohort 4  –  400  Scholarship: 1 January 2023 – 30 June 2023 (6 months) (COMPLETED)
Cohort 5 –  400  Scholarship: 1 July 2023 – 30 December 2023 (6 months) (OPEN)

Deadline for submission of the application

Fifth Cohort: ON GOING - 2023



A. Must be a citizen of Saint Lucia and residing in Saint Lucia
B. Must be between 18 to 45 years of age of any gender
C. Must be interested and willing to gain new skills to enter the job market
D. Students in the final year of their associate degree/undergraduate/diploma/postgraduate degree
E. Unemployed or willing to gain skills to start a mini or micro-enterprise
F. Young men are especially encouraged to apply for the scholarship. ( Ministry notes that women are 3 to 1 more likely to take up these opportunities.)
G. Persons with disability with basic ICT skills. Persons with disability will be prioritized while selecting candidates for the scholarship program.

To learn more about the COL-Skills for Work Scholarship, please visit : 

Skills for Work help desk: 
Skills for Work Information page: 
Skills for Work social media page:  
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Background and Context
Even before COVID-19, the education system in Saint Lucia was struggling to keep up with changing demands for skills training. Local institutions do not necessarily have the capacity to offer certain types of programs for specialized skill sets. At the same time, improvements in learning technologies and improvements with respect to access to digital devices and the Internet mean that more learners can enroll in distant and remote learning programs. In addition, micro-credentials are rapidly gaining more currency as job market trends continue to shift. This project will identify learners who are seeking specific skills and will help to match their needs with access to courses and programs that will benefit them.

Saint Lucia was already experiencing a significant unemployment situation, particularly among young people, before the COVID-19 pandemic. Much needed Foreign Direct Investment to spur new economic activity and job growth has almost trickled to a halt since the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. As a result, key employment sectors such as hotels, retail and construction have not grown at the same rates as was experienced before. The contraction in these sectors have also had a knock-on effect on other service-related sectors. At the same time, Saint Lucia’s growing labour force can be characterised as a group that is very much interested in working in retail and service-oriented jobs and professions. It also appears that service-oriented jobs are exactly what the school curriculum has been preparing school leavers for. The COVID-19 impact was most intense on the hotel sector, due to international travelling restrictions. Given that most people entering the workforce have already achieved a secondary school level education or higher, it is very likely that most workers can be retrained to fit into other service areas. One key challenge is how to bring as many workers as possible to a sufficient level of Digital Literacy so that better resilience is built into the island’s workforce development strategy.

Recognising the existing skills gap in the workforce and the unprecedented global the Ministry is pleased to partner with the Commonwealth of Learning on this Skills for Work program as an immediate solution to these challenges. The longterm outcomes will only be determined by the extent to which citizens of Saint Lucia take up this opportunity. It is important that recipients understand that each scholarship issued is made available at a cost to the Commonwealth of Learning. As such, learners should make every effort to complete their certification program.

Scholarship Guidelines
1) Once you submit your application using the online application a selection committee comprising of officials of the Human Resource Development (HRD) Unit will shortlist the eligible candidates who will be required to participate in an online screening process and/or telephone interview. Shortlisted candidates will be provided with the details for online screening and/or telephone interviews through phone/ SMS/email/WhatsApp/Telegram.
2) The selected learner has to respond to  our email invitation to sign up for the designated e-leaning portal  within 2 days of receiving;
3) The Selected learners will be required to complete at least 6 courses within 6 months.
4) The learner has to enroll in a course or two within a week of accepting the invitation;
5) The learner has to show enough progress with learning, say at least three hours of learning within the first two weeks of joining; and,
6)  The learner has to complete at least one course within 4 weeks of availing of the scholarship
7) Under COL- Grow with Google Scholarship, learners have to commit at least 10 hours per week.
8)The scholarship will be withdrawn if the learner is not able to demonstrate enough commitment and willingness to take advantage of the scholarship and will not be considered for COL scholarship in the future.
9) A helpdesk facility is available to help facilitate learning. (
HRD staff can offer learners with assistance in selecting their courses. The staff will also aim to provide administrative and academic support, as well as mentorship and counseling.

Mobile: 730-5012 (Monday-Thursday, 9 AM to 3 PM)
WhatsApp: 730-5012 (Monday-Thursday, 9 AM to 3 PM)
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