Membership Application Form
The Yoruba Social and Cultural Association of British Columbia (a.k.a Egbé Omo Yorùbá ti BC) is a non-profit, voluntary organization, dedicated to the promotion and preservation of the well being of its members. As an Association, our Mission is to promote Yoruba tradition, cultural heritage and educate the public of the benefits of learning about the Yoruba culture and other cultures. We are dedicated towards promoting and fostering good social and cultural relationships, and providing a conducive environment, where Yoruba people, Yoruba Canadians, Canadians, and other cultural Associations can freely discuss matters of mutual interests.

Below are our membership categories:

Individual membership:single (unmarried) persons, who are 18 years or older.

Family membership: husband, wife or partner and children under 18 years of age.

Associate Membership: non-BC resident individual or organization.

Student Membership: student, 18 years or older, part-time or full-time learning in Canada. 

Honorary membership: person living in BC, associated not by birth or by family ties to any Yoruba person, but identifies himself or herself with the purposes of the Association.

We would love to have you join us. Complete this form and a member of our team will reach out for any additional request. It takes approximately 5-10 mins to complete the form. For Seniors or other individuals who require support in filing out this form, please contact the numbers below and we will help you complete the form. 

For more information or inquiry:
  • Visit
  • email:,,, 
  • call us at Mr Adebola Ige [+1 604 767 6752], Mrs Funmilola Iyiola [+1 587-217-1431], Mr Tosin Olugbebi [+1 (514) 475-1724]
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