CAPE Adoption Application
Thank you for choosing to adopt.

You will receive a confirmation email from CAPE once your application is received. Please understand that we often receive multiple applications for each dog. Applications are reviewed on a first come first serve basis and this process can sometimes take several days. If we need additional information, a CAPE representative will contact you. Please note that we assess the particular needs of every dog in our program considering their history, health and personality and make every attempt to match the dog's needs with the ideal family/household.

If you do not receive a call from a CAPE representative within a few days after you've submitted an application, please feel free to email us at to ask any questions re: your application. All applicants will receive a courtesy email letting them know if/when the dog has been adopted.
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Email *
Today's Date *
Name of the dog(s) you are interested in, if known. *
First Name *
Last Name *
Address *
City, State, & Zip *
Home Phone *
Cell Phone *
Living Situation *
Do you own or rent? *
If renting, please provide landlord's name and phone number *
If renting, are there any size or breed restrictions? *
If there are size or breed restrictions, what are they? *
Do you live with relatives or parents? *
Length of time at present address: *
Are you planning to move within the next six months? *
Will your dog come into frequent contact with children inside your home? *
Breed and/or size desired: *
What age range do you prefer? *
Do you prefer a male or female? *
Please describe the qualities you are looking for in a canine companion (active, couch potato, gentle, protective, playful): *
Please describe the activity level of your house (active, hectic, frequent movement of humans, other animals, slow, quite, couch potato, etc.): *
Do you have access to a yard? *
Is the yard fenced? *
Height of fence? *
Fence material: *
If you do not have a fenced yard, please describe how your dog will get exercise and relieve him/herself: *
Will your dog ride in the back of a pick-up truck? *
What type of identification will you use for your dog? *
Are you able to commit to keeping your dog for his/her lifetime - up to 15 years or more? *
Please describe the animals who are currently living in your home (type, breed, age, sex, altered, vaccinated, indoor/outdoor): *
Are your existing pets currently vaccinated? If not, why? *
Are your existing pets currently spayed or neutered? If not, why? *
Do you existing animals receive regular veterinary care? If not, why? *
Please tell us about animals you have had in the past and why they are no longer with you: *
How many adults are in your household? *
How many children are in your household and what are their ages? *
Do all members of your family favor adopting this dog? *
How much do you anticipate spending yearly to feed, vaccinate, license, and provide veterinary care for your dog? *
Does anyone in your household have allergies to animals? *
Where will your dog spend time during the day? *
Where will your dog sleep at night? *
Where will your dog stay when you are not home? *
How many hours a day will your dog be left alone without a human? *
How long do you expect your adopted dog to become adjusted to your household? *
Do you want to adopt this animal as *
If you found you could not keep this dog what would you do? *
If this dog became lost what would you do? *
Do you currently have a vet that you will bring your dog to? *
Would you consent to having your home checked by a CAPE representative to ensure it is a safe place for the dog you are considering adopting? *
I certify that all the information in this application is true and I understand that false information may void my application. *
How did you learn about CAPE's dog adoption program?
Is there any other information that you would like to share with us?
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