Leader Launch '22 Conference Registration
Register here for the 9th Annual PSNK Leader Launch Career and Professional Leadership Conference!
Invest an afternoon in your career future: Be inspired. Make contacts. Prepare for success!

Date: Friday, March 18, 2022

Time: 12:15 - 6:00 PM

Location: starts on campus and then we transport you to an undisclosed local destination!

Cost: Only $5 for current PSNK students and Fall '21 graduates (discounts and scholarships may be available on a limited basis - Contact Jim in PSNK Career Services for more information)  Payable when you pick up your ticket.

Includes: Transportation, Lunch, and hours of connecting with alumni and employers for career opportunities and advice!

For more information: https://newkensington.psu.edu/leader-launch
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Leader Launch '22 Conference Registration
First Name *
Last Name *
Your major/program (or intended major) *
Your semester status (which semester are you currently in at Penn State?) If you have graduated, write "graduate" with year you completed your program. *
Your campus at Penn State *
Your email address *
Your cell number (so we can text you with updates) *
Thank you for registering!  Please mark this date on your calendars and start communicating with faculty, supervisors and others that you plan to attend that day.
Pick up your ticket in Career Services.  Payment is expected at the time you pick up your ticket and no later than Wednesday, 3/16.
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