Smithville School Student Online AUP
Submitting this online technology Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) will grant permission for students of the Monroe County School District to use computers and other technology equipment in the district.  Submitting this form will also allow students to access the Internet from school computers and be provided a computer login account and a Google Apps for Education login account.  But, before your account is created, you must also have your parent or guardian sign the Parent Permission Form and return it to your School Technology Coordinator.  Students must submit an online AUP at the beginning of each school year.  Please fill out the form below and click on the SUBMIT button at the bottom.
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
This online form is for SMITHVILLE SCHOOL students ONLY!
If you do not attend the above mentioned school, please close the browser and start over!
First Name *
Please type in your first name. Your new account will be created using your first and last name. For example: johndoe.
Middle Initial *
Your middle initial will be used in your login name ONLY if there is a user account with the same first and last name. Example: johnrdoe
Last Name *
Please type in your last name. Your new account will be created using your first and last name. For example: johndoe.
What grade are you in this year? *
Please choose your grade level for this current school year. This corresponds to your projected graduation year.
Did you have a computer login account last year? *
Do you have a personal email address?
Please list below:
Is this a request for a new computer login account? *
Where can the student AUP be found?    
Our policy can be found at  Please go to the policy and read carefully before electronically signing and submitting this online AUP form.  By submitting this form, you are stating that you have read and understand the Monroe County School District's Internet and computer acceptable use policy and will comply fully with this policy.  This AUP has been approved by the Monroe County School District School Board.
Your school technology coordinator will inform you when your account has been created.
I agree to the terms and conditions of the MCSD Acceptable Use Policy: *
By checking YES, you are stating that you have read and fully understand the MCSD AUP and will abide by this policy. You MUST check "YES" in order to proceed! If you do not understand or cannot agree with these terms, please do not submit this AUP.
Internet/Network Acceptable Use Policy Electronic Signature: *
By typing in your full name in the space provided at the bottom of this registration form, you are agreeing to the terms and conditions found in the Monroe County School District's Internet/Network/Computer Acceptable Use Policy!
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