Unprofessional behaviour: an online module
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Aims: To help GP tutors understand and address unprofessional behaviour in medical students

Outcomes: GP tutors should be able to:

  • Understand general principles & terminology of unprofessional and professional behaviour.

  • Define and recognise unprofessional behaviour in medical students using the 4 I's model.

  • Identify and address the factors that contribute to unprofessional behaviour in students, such as personal, interpersonal, external, and contextual factors.

  • Apply a three-phase roadmap for responding to unprofessional behaviour: explore and understand, remediate, and gather evidence for dismissal.

Tips on completing the module: 
  • Questions are used to prompt thinking and learning. Use the back button to correct answers or review text again.
  • No need to take notes. A summary document will be sent to your email after completing the module. 
  • Use I like...I wish...I wonder to answer open questions or provide feedback. 

Rofique Ali

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