In Observation of World Health Day - Beyond the Exam Room: Breaking Down Silos and Leveraging Partnerships In Refugee Health
Friday, April 7 at 12 PM
UIC Student Center West
(828 S. Wolcott Ave)

Please join the SPH Global Health Program for a special seminar in observation of World Health Day as part of the UIC Minority Health Conference. The speaker for this event is Jehan Adamji, DNP, FNP-BC. Dr. Adamji will be presenting on Breaking Down Silos and Leveraging Partnerships In Refugee Health. All are welcome to attend.

Dr. Jehan Adamji is the Clinical Director of Refugee and Immigrant Health and a Family Nurse Practitioner at Tapestry 360 Health (T360H, formerly Heartland Health Centers (HHC)). Dr. Adamji earned a BA in Anthropology from Macalester College, a BSN and MSN-FNP in Nursing from Rush University, and a Doctorate in Nursing from Johns Hopkins University. Throughout her career, Dr. Adamji has leveraged her interactions with individual patients and families to inform initiatives at the community and health-systems level. She was introduced to caring for newly resettled refugee populations during her first position as a FNP at HHC’s Uptown location. After 7 years providing refugee health screenings and primary care to newcomers in Baltimore, Dr. Adamji returned to T360H in 2021 to expand the organization’s immigrant and refugee programs. Under Dr. Adamji’s direction, T360H has become a leading refugee healthcare provider in the area based on a multi-level, integrated approach to care. Relying on strategic and sustainable academic and community partnerships, the program addresses the complex barriers and inequities impacting newcomer populations.
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