Wild Card Team Application
Wild Card Teams allow players to play in the tournament even if they don't find a team; players may register by filling out this form. Please keep in mind that it is not guaranteed that you can join a team as it will depend on the number of available spaces. If you have registered, or register later, with another team, your name will be removed from the Wild Card Teams list.

By submitting this form you agree to follow our rules: https://stratus.network/tm-rules
As stated in the information thread. Furthermore, you consent to being screen-shared if we suspect you of cheating: https://stratus.network/announcements

Lastly, you also need to join the Events Discord, which can be found here: https://discord.gg/GQhvaJW 
Sign in to Google to save your progress. Learn more
What is your Minecraft username? *
What is your Discord username? *
What languages do you speak well enough to communicate in a team with? *
Do you have a microphone that you can use during the tournament? *
What time zone do you live in? *
What previous tournament experience do you have?  (Note that it is not necessary to have previous competitive experience.)
If you have a partner you want to register with, you may register as a duo to be put on the same Wild Card team. If you want to duo register, please enter your partners' username, and we will try to put you on the same team. (Please note that your duo partner will also have to fill out this form themselves.)
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