Registration for Living & Learning in Maine:  Internationally Trained Professionals Bring Your Talents to Maine

September 19, 5:00-8:00 PM, 51 Westminster St., Lewiston, Maine - University of Southern Maine Lewiston-Auburn Campus

University of Southern Maine Libraries & Learning and the Office of Equity, Inclusion, and Community Impact present a panel of Internationally Trained Professionals at USM who will will discuss their experiences as professionals, immigrants, and University students. Following the panel, participants are invited to network and create art together. 

Free and open to the public. Art supplies, materials, and refreshments will be provided.

A limited number of participant stipends are available to support the transportation needs and work or care responsibilities of first- and second-generation immigrants. Language interpretation is available by request. See registration form for details or email Jill at

If you have questions about disability access or need to request disability accommodations (e.g. sign language interpreters, materials in electronic format, etc.), please contact Jill at

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Are you interested in receiving a stipend for participation?
A limited number of stipends are available for first- and second-generation immigrants to support the transportation and participation of those with work or care responsibilities.
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Please describe briefly how a stipend would support your attendance.
Your answer helps us direct stipends to those with the greatest need. Answering this question is not required.
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