DreamDriven - Pioneers Club
Pioneers Club is where motivated mentors meet driven startup founders from the Dreamdriven Network and outside. It's a collaborative space designed to fuel startup growth through expert guidance and mentorship. Our aim is to bridge the knowledge gap for startups by connecting them with professionals who have navigated the path to success.

How to Become a Mentor:

Interested in shaping the future of startups? Join us as a mentor on Pioneers Club. It’s your chance to impart your knowledge, support emerging entrepreneurs, and expand your professional network.

Our Simple Process:

1. Apply: Start by filling out our application form. Share your expertise, experiences, and how you believe you can make a difference for startup founders.

2. Get Approved: Our team will review your application to ensure a good fit within our community. Approval is based on your experience, expertise, and the potential impact you could have as a mentor.

3. Give 3 Initial Sessions: Once approved, you'll provide three mentorship sessions that will be rated by mentees. This step helps us gauge the quality of mentorship and ensures a valuable experience for both parties.

4. Set Your Rate: Successful completion of the initial sessions and positive ratings allow you to set your rate on the platform. This enables you to be compensated for your mentoring, recognizing the value of your time and insights.

At Pioneers Club, we believe in the power of sharing knowledge to transform startups. By joining us as a mentor, you play a pivotal role in this transformative journey, guiding founders towards success with your valuable insights.

Ready to make a difference? Apply now to start your mentorship journey with Pioneers Club. Together, we can build a brighter future for startups. 

Currently limited to 50 Spots.

Connectez-vous à Google pour enregistrer votre progression. En savoir plus
Whats your name?
Your LinkedIn Link?
Where are you based?
Write Your personal Tagline
Max 100 Characters
Image sans légende
Write your personal Description
Max 400 Characters
Image sans légende
What are your strongest skills?
Which industry/vertical are you expert in?
I need advice with:
What do you expect to gain from this community?
Any other skills or experiences you would like to share?
Anything else that you would benefit from?
Your Email Address? *
For Notifications only.
Thanks for taking your Spot in the Pioneers Club.
You will receive your Invite Code by end of April 2024.
Stay positive, see you then!
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