With BirdVox-full-night we provide a dataset of 6 far-field, full night recordings, containing 35k flight calls from 25 species of passerines, individually annotated in time and frequency by an expert, along with an official evaluation methodology.
Authors: Vincent Lostanlen, Justin Salamon, Andrew Farnsworth, Steve Kelling, and Juan Pablo Bello.
Dataset created by Vincent Lostanlen, Justin Salamon, Andrew Farnsworth, Steve Kelling, and Juan Pablo Bello. The BirdVox-full-night dataset is offered free of charge under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license:
https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/When BirdVox-full-night is used for academic research, we would highly appreciate it if scientific publications of works partly based on this dataset cite the following publication:
V. Lostanlen, J. Salamon, A. Farnsworth, S. Kelling, J. Bello. BirdVox-full-night: a dataset and benchmark for avian flight call detection, Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 2018.
Please fill the following Google form to obtain a link to the dataset. Your email address will be collected and stored securely in an NYU server. Only one member of BirdVox (Vincent Lostanlen) will have access to your reply. If you agree to it, the email address you provide might be used to inform you about updates of the BirdVox team on the topic of machine listening for migration monitoring, no more than 4 times per year.