UKCOTS 2025 abstract submission
If you would like to contribute in person to UKCOTS25 (24th - 25th June, University of Glasgow), submit your proposal here.  The deadline for submissions is 7th February, 2025.  Please complete one form for each proposal (including 60 minute sessions).  UKCOTS 2025 is for everyone with an interest in the teaching of statistics in higher education, in whatever department or discipline.  Whilst conference attendance is open to all, conference submissions are expected to be relevant to the teaching of statistics in higher education.  This could include, for example, submissions related to the transition from pre-18 to higher education, or on professional training.  Email any questions to
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Preferred length of contribution. The content is up to you, so be as creative as possible: talk(s), workshop, panel, breakout groups, brainstorm, hackathon, group meditation etc.  Due to time constraints, it is likely that only a small number of 60 minute proposals will be accepted
Title of contribution (< 80 characters) - can be updated on acceptance
Summary of contribution (< 200 words) - can be updated on acceptance.  Abstracts from 2024 can be found here *
Discipline of target audience
Are you happy for your slide presentation to be published on the conference website?
Are you happy for your abstract to be published under a conference DOI?
Name of primary contact (details of other contributors will be requested upon acceptance)
Email address of primary contact
Special requests: eg date/time, equipment
Would you be interested in being a student helper during the conference in exchange for free registration? You must be registered as a student at a HE institution at the time of the conference.
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