Business Leaders of Maine Support the Pine Tree Amendment
LD 489 Language: The people of the State have the right to a clean and healthy environment and to the preservation of the natural, cultural and healthful qualities of the environment. The State may not infringe upon these rights. The State shall conserve, protect and maintain the State’s natural resources, including, but not limited to, its air, water, land and ecosystems for the benefit of all the people, including
generations yet to come.

Dear Senators and Representatives of the Maine State Legislature,

As business owners, leaders and supporters, we are writing to urge you to support the Pine Tree Amendment. We believe passage of this constitutional amendment is important for the future of Maine. We recognize that development and environmental protection share a common purpose: to make Maine a great place to live, to visit, and to do business. We recognize also that the Pine Tree Amendment is a powerful tool that will protect the environment, bring new residents and businesses to Maine, and sustain the Maine economy.

We work here and we live here. At the end of the day, we want to live in a state that conserves, protects, and maintains Maine’s natural resources for the benefit of all the people, including future generations. Please support the Pine Tree Amendment, LD 489.

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