L2 Writing: Current State and Thoughts on the Future
We invite Spanish language faculty to share your thoughts on L2 writing. This survey is intended to take roughly 15 minutes to complete. We will present some of this information at ACTFL 2022 in Boston. Our research question is: What is the future of writing in Spanish language classes in higher education?

The researchers below are the only ones who will have access to this data, which will be stored in a password-protected database after it is collected. Your participation is entirely voluntary, and you may withdraw at any time. The de-identified results of this survey may be used for future studies. Results published or presented will be in aggregate and will not identify individual participants or institutions. Participation poses no risk greater than those encountered during other online activities.

If any questions arise, please contact:

Lisa Merschel (merschel@duke.edu)
Joan Munné (jmunne@duke.edu)
Melissa Simmermeyer (simmerme@duke.edu)

Thank you for your participation!
Lisa, Joan, and Melissa

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You must be 18 years or older and currently located in the U.S. to take this survey. Are you 18 years or older and currently located in the U.S.? *
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