Prevent Quiz for School Staff 2024
This 25 question quiz for school staff, is based around the Prevent Duty Guidance (Dec 2023) and Part 1 of Keeping Children Safe in Education (KCSIE, 2023). Please complete the quiz and if there are any questions that you do not understand or any that you get wrong, please revisit the relevant section of KCSIE and speak to your DSL.

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1 point

Where can radicalisation happen? (Choose all that apply)

1 point

True or False: Schools must carry out risk assessments to identify students who may be vulnerable to radicalisation.

1 point

 Which of the following is NOT a strand of the Prevent strategy? 

1 point

Which is the most common profile for someone susceptible to radicalisation?

1 point

You overhear a pupil talking about a video he’s seen of a terrorist attack. His friends ask him to share it on their WhatsApp group so they can watch it. What can you say to him?

1 point

A visiting speaker passes some extremist comments during a presentation to pupils. What can you do?

1 point

What are some signs that a student may be radicalised online? 

1 point

Which of the following is NOT a factor that might make someone vulnerable to radicalisation? 

1 point

Which of the following is NOT true about radicalisation? (Pick 1)

1 point

Which of the following are key principles to follow for the ‘notice’ part of the notice, check, share procedure? (Choose 3)

1 point

Which 5  behaviours, in the right context, are the most likely to give you cause for concern when related to Prevent?

1 point

You are concerned that a student has accessed extremist content and is downloading propaganda material. What can you do?

1 point

You overhear a pupil telling someone that a girl in your class has been sending him racist messages. When you challenge her, she says it’s free speech. What could you do? (Choose all that apply)

1 point
The primary aim of safeguarding in schools regarding radicalisation is to: 
1 point

You have found out a colleague from school belongs to a far right group that is promoting extremist ideologies. What is this an example of?

1 point

Match the definition to the correct term:

3 points
Vocal or active opposition to fundamental British Values
The process by which people come to support terrorism and extremism and, in some cases, to then participate in terrorist groups
An action or threat designed to influence the government or intimidate the public. Its purpose is to advance a political, religious or ideological cause

A pupil tells you she has received repeated threats on her life from a boy in your class. What could you do? (Choose all that apply)

1 point

True or False: Prevent requires schools to spy on students and report any behaviour deemed suspicious.

1 point

True or False: Promoting British values means imposing one particular cultural or religious viewpoint on all students.

1 point

What role can schools play in promoting respect and tolerance? 

1 point
Schools can promote the value of democracy among students by? 
1 point

What strategies can schools employ to teach students about the importance of equality and fairness? 

1 point
True or False: Prevent is solely focused on targeting individuals from specific ethnic or religious backgrounds
1 point

What is the Channel programme?  

1 point

How can staff effectively challenge extremist views in the school environment? 

1 point
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